Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week.

I saw a female turkey in a tree today, the wild woodland species, not a domesticated bird. She was huge and beautiful!

  • Lovely sunrise Lindy.
    I am having a day at home catching up with lots of jobs. I have just made a pan full of apple purée from apples given to me by a friend. Have you noticed how abundant the apple trees have been this year? Everyone is trying to give them away - the apples that is, not the trees!!!
  • My cooker clock shows the correct time for half the year ! Only six years old but it doesn't bother me as I don't use the timer, etc. There are bigger things in life to think about -
    OG - you don't say how your GGS behaves and I'm sorry if I'm being flippant - but my 4 year old granddaughter is very hard to live with ! The other evening she and her 7 year old sister were fighting and generally misbehaving. This is very usual. So my DIL told them that if they didn't behave, their beloved teddies would be taken away meantime. Shortly afterwards, my DIL heard the 4 year old say to her sister ' Lets hide the teddies and then we can still be naughty but Mummy won't know where they are, so she won't be able to take them away'.
  • Yes, RUSTY - I have loads of apples this year. Also pears. I managed to give away most of the pears.
  • HEATHER - I see the 4 year old is more like the 7 year old than you would have hoped! Hard to describe GGS's behaviours - not like any child I have ever known - I think he is expremely insecure and he definitely resents older sister and young baby sister. Antisocial; (but then, so am I!)

    RUSTY - we used to have an old friend who invited us to come and collect apples every autumn - alas she died. All fruits - wild and cultivated - have cropped heavily this year.

    LINDA - lovely sunrise.

    Another fine day - so far. I looked at the clock when I thought I had woken up this morning - it was only half-past midnight! I gave up after 5 hours of thrashing about and then OH helped me to settle myself for an hour of sleep. So tired now.
  • Heather, my cooker clock says 12.00 permanently, as shortly after we bought it, it decided not to co operate and we gave up - couldn't be be bothered with describing it as a fault. The timer is also not reliable - so much for modern gadgets!

    Little Rosie had had her formative beginnings interrupted by the lockdowns, so although she had 2 big brothers to talk to, and indeed spoke in sentences quite early, she had no experience of interaction with other children and was a little reticent to start with when it was all over. However, she is now settling in nicely to her nursery and doesn't seem to have any problems.

    OG -- I hope you can get some rest today and catch up.

  • Heather-- LOL about the 4 year old!!!
  • Right---- the famous half lobster seems to have been my last picture.

    We enjoyed having a car (from my point of view, it was so much more pleasant looking at the scenery in an air conditioned environment) and we visited various places we had enjoyed seeing some years ago.

    This is the creature welcoming you to the National Park. There are warnings not to get out of the car except for in lay bys, and it's not hard to follow the rules as the rough terrain is completely enveloping and would cut your shoes to ribbons on the volcanic surface if you tried to walk. I love the winding road through this magical area as its so alien and dramatic.

  • The scene with many volcanoes in every direction. The last eruption was in the 1700s and they managed to get everyone off the island in wooden boats, with no casualties. The farmers returned later to find most of their fields ruined by lava.

    We stopped after coming  out of the Park to the North-- there is a remote hotel there with a spa and a sporty vibe. (Mostly German guests) We could look down on this wild beach, with a lone surfer enjoying the rolling surf of the Atlantic.

  • Lots of scenery to enjoy in all directions.

    This neat farm was nestling next to mountains.

  • Further up the coast there is a popular beach with the young surfers, and a lot of sand dunes which try to distribute themselves across the road as there's also constant wind.