Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week.

I saw a female turkey in a tree today, the wild woodland species, not a domesticated bird. She was huge and beautiful!

  • aquilareen said:
    So who in this house has cognitive decline?


    but when we are the ones,having to think of EVERYTHING!!! is it any wonder, we  occasionally get ahead of ourselves......

    Bless you and take care 


  • Thanks KATE. I do have a few extras to worry/think about this week.

    I have been watching the smarter parents. They are driving their children to Trick or Treat; only the kids get wet.

  • You're not the only one, AQ -- I frequently get ahead of myself in an urgent effort to keep up.

    Good Morning. Dry and bright here, so I must go and hand wash some blouses. Laundry often dominates my life!!!

    My OH has headed off to take our little car for its M.O.T. (Ministry of Transport test). It should be OK as she is a reliable car and always starts 1st time.
  • I like that little post about friends Lindy.
    AQ - don’t worry about getting ahead of yourself. It’s always better to be prepared.
    Regarding Trick or Treat. For the past 2 years (I know covid has been a factor) I have been sitting here with my bag of sweets and no one has come. So, I haven’t bought any sweets this year!!! I won’t turn the outside light on like I normally do, so I trust no one will call. If they do, I have a few 20 pence pieces I cam give them I suppose. I think I am becoming a bit bah humbug about it!!!!
  • Good morning in a new week – and our cleaners will be back this afternoon after holiday!

    Our weekend was something approaching normal. Saturday was easy. Sunday J went for breakfast and church. We went to our church which was dire! A hybrid service – a “songs of praise” with a recorded sermon and other parts – we left about one third of the way through – I think my OH wanted to remove me before my swearing got any louder!

    Answering a remark last week about little boys – we think there is something wrong with our GGrandson – and his Grannie (our Dau#2) agrees. But they are not allowed to diagnose early these days.

    Thanks to DIANE for the new week. Difficult to imagine a turkey in a tree – even a wild one!

    LINDA – I noticed the name change! Clock-alterating went well in our house – liked the pictorial, esp sundial!

    HEATHER – kind of you to take in the washing – did you iron it too?

    RUSTY – good to see you are getting better!

    AQ – woops!

    No T or T visitors here so far – thank God. Hoping it will be a really wet evening!
  • LINDY Great pic of a flaked out Bonnie. I love the Peter James detective novels with Roy Grace as the main person. I am now half way through the latest "Picture you Dead" and am enjoying it as much as the others.
  • Morning all:  Halloween this evening and our clocks go back next weekend.  A lot of parents take their kids to parties sponsored by churches, schools, etc. but there's still a hard-core group who bring their kids around the neighborhood. I have a smaller amount of candy than usual on hand for tonight because the last couple of years I've ended up giving leftovers to granddaughter/Ms D.  

    Lindybird:  (Old habits die hard.)  Had a good laugh at the time-change cartoon - especially the one about cars. Have to confess most of my friends are nutty and come with a generous splash of alcohol.

    OG:  Are we allowed to say "wrong" these days?  :-))   How old is the little boy?   My grandson had ADHD and problems with audio processing (a terror in his early years) and Ms. D initially had problems reading.  Both got extra support at school:  It did nothing for grandson who has thankfully grown not so much out of it as aware of how he tends to react in some situations, but great for Ms. D who always has her nose in a book.  And then there are all these 'spectrums'!!   I know I must be on one of them, but don't have time to figure which one or where.  :-)   Not sure about a recorded sermon; is there an uptick in clerical shortages?

    Actually did some Work in the Garden yesterday with frequent stops to stretch back and legs.  :-)

    Thanks ALL for news!

  • I did not do the ironing, OG ! As much as I love my family, there are certain lengths to which I will not go !