Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 October 2022


I hope everyone has a relaxing, safe, joyful week! 

The sky was intensely blue and cloudless this afternoon. I saw both red-tailed hawks soaring when I walked to my small town to get some groceries. 

Our annual Covered Bridge Festival ends tomorrow. We usually have over a million tourists visit our rural area during the two-week festival. They tour the 32 covered bridges, visit other historic sites, buy quilts and other hand-made items from the hundreds of venders, and eat the traditional foods on offer. So, our country roads have been busy. It's a real economic boon for our people, so I'm glad for it, but I think the wildlife and I are happy it's almost over.

  • Thank you everyone for all your news.
    I hope that LINDY will have slightly cooler weather, today. Sending hugs..
  • Rusty:  What a lovely way to start the day - and with pastries to boot!

    Heather:  What a shame about the two (lady?) gardeners. I got some ideas from my garden-design buddy about downsizing the workload, but have yet to get started.  He arrived to say that he thought the current groundcover on the parkway was brilliant and went on about how to improve the irrigation so as not to be wasteful ('but I haven't run the irrigation all summer' I said, which brought on gasps of amazement).  Then I pointed out all the leaves stuck in the groundcover and he suggested a blower ('been there, done that and it only gets rid of about 50% because the groundcover is so dense it "grabs" the tiny leaves from the trees').  I had to convince him that still wasn't easy enough so now we're thinking areas of decomposed granite with a couple of simple plantings to break the monotony...

    AQ:  I keep wondering why birds have to make such huge nonstop trips - I realize it's to find ideal nesting/feeding areas, but couldn't nature come up with an easier option in the first place?

    Harelady:  Wow. That's a long walk. I lost weight just reading about 17,000 steps!!  Was that an actual beach path or was it Thorpe Road (I googled it); that latter looks quite iffy for walking. What are they feeding these 11-year-olds to make them so tall!  Ms. D will soon be looking down on all of us.

  • ANNETTE - You wrote "AQ:  I keep wondering why birds have to make such huge nonstop trips - I realize it's to find ideal nesting/feeding areas, but couldn't nature come up with an easier option in the first place?"

    What about all those humans crowding our airports, making huge trips. LOL

  • Please can someone explain how I can get a quote to appear in my reply without me cutting & pasting.
  • AQ: Good point! And the birds don't leave such a huge carbon footprint! Re quoting posts, I'm assuming someone smarter than us will have an idea. :-)
  • Annette -  its along the shingle and dunes back from the beach - the road is too busy with cars going back and forth.

  • aquilareen said:
    Please can someone explain how I can get a quote to appear in my reply without me cutting & pasting.

    If you mean quote     from posted message on here.

    1. click reply on that post

    2.click   use rich formatting.

    3.click (blue) quote, beneath the message.


    If you only want part of message 

    after 2  above

    select the bit of text you want to quote 

    click ( blue ) word quote.

    write your own message 

    Hope that makes sense.


  • SunnyKate2 said:
    Hope that makes sense

    Yes. Thank you KATE

  • Hello. Been completely unable to get on here: it locked me out and no amount of passwords or fiddling would let me in again. =sigh=
    Now I've retrieved my tablet I can get in..... Let's hope there's an end to it.

    Back home again last night after a somewhat noisy flight back - it's half term here and so the plane was half full with families. My OH had a boy in front of him who had been trained by his parents to scream loudly whenever he wanted anything. Ghastly. He also had a couple next to him who were drunk, and still ordering gin once an hour. Luckily I had a sleepy couple next to me who slept most of the way!!

    Glad to fall into our own bed last night.

    EDIT = Hope to resume pics later.