Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 October 2022


I hope everyone has a relaxing, safe, joyful week! 

The sky was intensely blue and cloudless this afternoon. I saw both red-tailed hawks soaring when I walked to my small town to get some groceries. 

Our annual Covered Bridge Festival ends tomorrow. We usually have over a million tourists visit our rural area during the two-week festival. They tour the 32 covered bridges, visit other historic sites, buy quilts and other hand-made items from the hundreds of venders, and eat the traditional foods on offer. So, our country roads have been busy. It's a real economic boon for our people, so I'm glad for it, but I think the wildlife and I are happy it's almost over.

  • PAT - I missed it as well but will get it on BBC Sounds, hopefully this evening. Youngest daughter and her OH have been here sorting out my back garden. I can now see that the gardeners I had for nearly two years were not doing as much as I thought.
  • It was quite a long day at Bodnant Gardens and I am tired now but it was really lovely. I will have a quiet day tomorrow to recover.

  • Sorry, been too tired & hot to post more pics. We were quoted temps of 25 - 26 degrees before we arrived, but today and yesterday I saw signs in the street saying 31 degrees! Way too much for me. Whilst we were in the shops today we bought a big can of insect spray, even though we will be leaving here soon - I have lost count of the insect bites on my body but I have twelve on my back alone.

    My OH doesn't mind the heat, although he said even he had trouble sleeping last night. I daren't tell him that I'm not enjoying myself much and feel miserable, hot, headachey & tired. At least its beginning to cool now so we're off to dinner soon. Sorry to whinge.
  • Lindybird:  Oh I know how you feel. I hate to be hot.  My whole U.S. contingent here and in AZ are all happiest in cool, cloudy and rainy weather.  But think! You'll soon be back with the UK winter looming.  (Maybe move your vacations to Jan/Feb?)

  • RUSTY – Beautiful autumn colours.

    LINDA – 31 C is warm. . . unless it is humid as well, then it is horrible.

    My OH & Dau went out to lunch. I wasted my free time, doing nothing much.

  • I have a fridge magnet that says ' Dull women have immaculate houses '.
  • Heather B said:
    I have a fridge magnet that says ' Dull women have immaculate houses '.

    That must make me one of the most interesting women on earth!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Having spent 2 days cleaning my house because I was expecting my hairdresser to come today, she has texted to cancel because else has a headache!!! Serves me right!!! I will go back to being interesting again!!!
    Sorry it is too hot for you there Lindy. Such a shame when you were looking forward to your holiday.
    I am pleased to report that I have no after effects from my long day out yesterday and don’t feel tired. So, I will use my free morning to go and do a couple of things in town which have been on my list for a while.
  • Hi all, lovely to read all your news.

    C;lare - glad you and Limpy are Covid free and have been able to get out and about again.

    Rusty - love the pics of Portugal and the beautiful autumn colours of Bodnant gardens.

    Lindybird - sorry you are feeling the heat. Love the heat if I can just sit and sunbathe and then plunge into a
    swimming pool to cool off. Don't like it otherwise and tend to stay in the shade at home. Still. enjoy the rest of
    the break.

    Annette - at least now its proved that your dau is better off at the lower altitude. Hope all things resolve.

    AQ - class sounded refreshing. Hope you got something out of it.

    Just been for a trim to my local hairdressers - dau was able to take me and have her's done at the same time.
    Have an appointment at the hospital on Friday for a lung capacity test so will see how that goes. Saw my doctor
    yesterday re knee so she has got the ball rolling by asking me to go for an x-ray and then when results are through
    will, hopefully, refer me. At least I'll get one rung on the ladder. Also wants bloods and a doppler test done as she couldn't feel my pulses in my feet - she is wondering whether I have a vitamin deficiency as I have a degree of numbness in my feet. If all comes back clear then it looks like it will be attributed to borderline diabetes which, I
    now,have managed to get back to normal.

    Let us keep smiling through and always be thankful for what we have.