Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 October 2022


I hope everyone has a great week. Sending all of you good wishes who have flu or covid (or have family who've tested positive). Take care all!

  • Well, one posted and it gives you an idea. Those plants in the beds were wallflowers and pansies. You don’t see a lot of formal bedding these days do you? It turns out that Percy Thrower was the park superintendent there (there is a statue and a plaque) so I think the gardens are retained in his style.

  • I took this photo on Platform 3 at Shrewsbury station!!! 

  • Interesting, Rusty. I looked up the tune - can't resist a bit of research! It's lovely - try this YouTube

    A little titbit of interest - It is called “Tydi a Roddaist” and the music was written by Arwel Hughes on Shrewsbury railway station in the 1938. Hence 'A Composition from a station platform'. The hymn itself is by T. Rowland Hughes (1903-1949) who died young. Here is a translation:

    O Thou who gave the dawn its form
    And gently set the sun;
    O Thou who formed the song and scent
    Of sylvan springtime green;
    Oh! save us lest the magic goes
    That every place in this world knows.

    O Thou who gave the brook his song
    And murmuring green forest made;
    Who gave the breeze its biting tongue
    The lark its serenade;
    Oh! save us lest we see a day
    That cause our heart’s song go away.

    Thank you, Rusty. I have been working on a very complicated spreadsheet for most of the day and I really needed something like this to get my brain - and my eyes - back to something approaching normality! I so enjoy finding out interesting little snippets like this!
  • Oh thank you Pat. I am so pleased my photo gave you a bit of relaxation from your spreadsheet. I only took it because I was standing on Platform 3 and the friend I had met for lunch was over on Platform 4 waiting for her train. I wanted her to see the plaque as we had been discussing how historical Shrewsbury is. I WhatsApped it to her and pointed to the wall!!!!
    I know the tune because I have sung it many a time in Welsh Chapels at a Gymanfa Ganu. I can pronounce most of the Welsh words having lived here for so long, but, sadly, I don’t know their meanings. The translation was therefore really useful. A Gymanfa is usually in a chapel and it is just a sing along of lots of Welsh hymns. The sound produced is amazing as people know all the harmonies and sing with great fervour.
  • Rusty/PatO   Thank you both for a lovely distraction!   I wonder what that choir and hymn would sound like if sung in a place with the best acoustics!

  • Thank you RUSTY for the plaque and PAT for the research. I enjoy finding plaques like that, tucked away in the most unexpected places.

    ANNETTE – The latest in a series of “Scenic Railway Journeys” was the Surfliner from San Diego through LA & Santa B to San Luis Osbispo. I was surprised to learn that SD has slightly less population than little old Adelaide!

  • After 2 busy days post covid, I am having a quiet day at home. My first job must be to feed the birds. I cleaned their main feeders 2 weeks ago and they have been using my spare ones, so they need their squirrel proof ones back in action. Then I want to plant some crocus bulbs. After that I will see how the mood takes me. The sun is shining highlighting a lot of dust in the house!!! Where does it all come from? I don’t feel it is a dusting day however!!! Maybe tomorrow!
  • Thanks to Rusty and Pat for the Welsh hymn - lovely diversion for a depressing wet Saturday morning! It's supposed to dry up a bit later, then others will get the drizzle. A cleaning day - J is doing his room. When I finish on here, OH will do the study (these are rooms the cleaners don't do).. Getting distracted watching a Chaffinch pair on the front feeders.
  • I think getting distracted by birds is absolutely fine and allowed OG!!!!
    My birds are fed and 2 pots of crocuses are planted. Obviously it is coffee time now!!!!