Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 October 2022


I hope everyone has a great week. Sending all of you good wishes who have flu or covid (or have family who've tested positive). Take care all!

  • This week is already running away from me, and I don’t think I ever finished last week! The weekend was crazy. We spent Saturday being ready to go out in the evening, to a concert at church by the Border Reel and Strathspey Society, but as we were about to get into the car, the rains came down and we stayed at home. Sunday we were at home waiting for a visit re adding a second battery to our solar generation storage, but the man never turned up! It didn’t really give us time for anything else as we were on tenterhooks not to block access to various parts of the house!

    On Monday, J made himself a pasta lunch at home, and the two of us went to a different garden centre for lunch and shopping. We bought the second half of Miri’s birthday present (6 this year). We also needed some horticultural fleece to wrap up the Dahlias etc for winter, and various things in the food hall. We had a good quiche and salad lunch, then called at M&S food on the way home. Today, E-E had to collect my new trousers which had gone to a local sewing lady for shortening, then it was a domestic day. Tomorrow will be podiatry for the two of us.

    DIANE – thanks for the new week. Hope you are safely home and feeling more settled about the things you have to do.

    CLARE – sorry you caught it – I didn’t know there were any tablets for Covid! The other two seem to be having it a long time – are you sure that is what it is?

    AQ – I laughed at the TV quotes – especially the first one!

    LINDA – sorry about the bad journey. Hope you are feeling rested by now.

    LYNETTE – hope you get on well with the CPAP machine – what a long time you waited for a diagnosis – I came home with my machine after my one night being tested (about 14 years ago now!)

    Well, that’s it from me – time to take some meds and have a rest!
  • Unknown said:
    I didn’t know there were any tablets for Covid!

    I've been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen relentlessly.

    Unknown said:
    The other two seem to be having it a long time – are you sure that is what it is?

    Helen came down with it first, on Wednesday night.  She's the only one of the three of us who hasn't been vaccinated against the Omicron variant, which might be why it hit her so hard.  Limpy got it next, less than a day later - mine started (very gently) on Saturday night.  Helen mentioned earlier in the week that someone in her office had tested positive.  I'm sure it's Covid - between us we have a fair cross-section of many of the symptoms, and my own symptoms mirror those of a friend who caught it earlier this year.  Happily all of us are picking up, though Limpy is utterly drained.  Still, in his case it could have been so much worse.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello all
    Thank you for news and pics ! RUSTY - Portugal looks tempting, that sounds so trite but you know what I mean.
    LINDY - We used to spend a couple of weeks in the Canaries every Winter, a lovely warm break before coming back to the Christmas preparations !
    OG - I guess you aren't interested in using a wheelchair raincover? A friend of ours thought it was a great idea.
    ANNETTE - Sensible to look at downsizing garden work, everyone I know of a certain age and stage is doing the same. Except my brother and his wife - she is still creating ....
    LYNETTE - How is the outside work progressing? Maybe it is finished. I've been waiting all this year to get fascia boards replaced on the South facing side of the house. My usual tradesmen are so busy.
    Messages pinging in from various daughters - I'll get back here later ( if I remember!)
  • Agree CLARE about LIMPY. But he has a good nurse :-)
    AQ - I've been listening to the news about the Murray river, etc. Not good.

    No news from here, really. It is quite chilly this morning, about 3° c here and misty.
    Regards to all...
  • Good Morning. Had a mixed might here: loud voices disturbed us at 1.50am!! Some people have absolutely no consideration for others...... Then we had a whopping mosquito buzzing around. Put some insect repellant on & hoped he didn't fancy me!

    OG - How annoying it is when you wait in for tradesmen & put everything else on hold, and then they don't turn up. Hope it can be sorted.

    Lovely Portugal memories, it's a beautiful country.
  • Nice to hear from you Heather. Glad you are enjoying the photos. It was my first visit to Portugal and I liked what I saw.
    Lindy - people are very inconsiderate aren’t they? How annoying to be disturbed in the night and then the mosquito too. Hope you have a nice day now.
    OG - shame about the rain when you were just about to go to church. At least you got out to do your shopping.
    I tested again today. The positive line is fainter so I am taking that as a good sign. I am waiting in for the gasman to come and service my boiler (he can come because the boiler is in the garage so I won’t be infecting him) Of course, the appointment is between 8 and 1. Having got up at 7.30, it is now 11.15 and there is no sign. I have “tracked” him on the app. It says he is “in my area” Hey ho.
  • Quick update at 11.20 - the gasman has just phoned to say he is on his wayBlush
  • RUSTY Sorry to hear you have been so poorly. x
  • Thanks dibnlib - I can’t get over how tired I feel if I do anything. It’s not like me at all.
    There was a mix up with the gasman. He thought he was only coming to service the fire. I thought he was doing the fire and the boiler!!!! He sort of accused me of making a wrong booking on line (probably thought - silly old woman can’t use the computer) I showed him that when you sign on it simply says “Book your Annual Service” which I had done. He went a bit quiet then, logged it and did both, taking his lunch break in the middle of the jobs!!! Honestly!!!
  • I've just posted a few photos I got in Cromer earlier this year - click on this loved-up couple to see a few more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.