Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Clare - here might be part of the answer to your questions

  • Beautiful ceilings, Rusty! Think I like the stunning Swan one, best.

    I'm in the middle of folding everything up to go in my cases now - and I've got 2 pairs of sandals, 2 pairs of evening sandals, & I'll be wearing my trainers for the journey!

    We just had a torrential downpour right in the middle of a very bright spell. We must have been somewhere in the rainbow!!
  • Rusty, glad you're on the way to recovering. Its no fun, this covid.

    Thinking of Clare, Limpy & poor Helen, who seems to have drawn the short straw.
  • Thanks, Rusty - good idea to photograph those.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning all:

    AQ:  Saw video of the floods in Victoria and heard that La Nina played a role.  It has the reverse affect here: a dryer than normal winter, which is what is on tap for us apparently; just what we don't want.   Folks are citing Oz's winter illness rates as a reason for the US to watch out.   I'm getting my fifth Covid shot at Costco next Friday afternoon.

    Lindybird:  Some elements here (mindful of the upcoming mid-term elections) are blaming people at the top for everything and of course there are the usual flock of uninformed citizens who are clueless about how world affairs affect us.  On the other hand.......    What!?  Only five pairs of shoes on this trip?  :-)

    Rusty:  Nice that you got a timely response from the ONS; still, might've been handy if there'd been some way to flag their results for quicker notification.    And yes, please continue with tales of Portugal.   Oh lovely  - those ceiling paintings are very different from what you typically see in buildings of that period (or maybe I just don't get out enough).  I too was wondering why those two birds were featured, so thanks for the extra info, at least as far as the swans are concerned.

    Heather:  Yes, scan done.  Will see ortho doc next Friday (everyone is so busy!).   Went for short walks yesterday and this morning;  whatever this is, it comes and goes but I can't pin it on any one activity of lack thereof.  Meanwhile, everyday pain meds sometimes work; sometimes not.  Still, onward and upward.

    Clare:  How are YOU feeling?  Hope the others are doing better!

    Off to slay dragons......

  • Annette - If you're a dragon slayer, Britain needs you :)
  • Unknown said:
    How are YOU feeling?  Hope the others are doing better!

    I've got no symptoms at all .... for however long that'll last.  The other two are pretty much as they were ...... especially when Limpy stops being frustrated and lets himself rest!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.