Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Heather B said:
    My son has been here all week, coughing and sneezing. He has left for home, this morning. He hasn't tested himself -even though I have several test kits in the house. I'll say no more about that....

    Bloody hell.  Words fail me.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather: Arghhh. Wave a mask at him (or wear one yourself) if he shows up again soon.
  • I can't believe how screwed up things are back in the UK. A Los Angeles Times article (focusing on the exchange rate for tourists) mentioned that the current monetary problems started with Brexit. Meanwhile, here we're subpoenaing the Orange Menace and have the mid-term elections looming.... Does anyone know of a country where the grown ups continue to be in charge?  EDIT:   That is, competent grown-ups with some integrity!   

    Oh and in case anyone missed it and has nothing better to do, the Los Angeles City Council has turned into a real circus due to three Hispanic councilmembers being taped making very nasty remarks about their colleagues and constituents.  I watched the most recent City Council meeting live - what a fiasco - completely overrun with very very angry voters.

  • Unknown said:
    I can't believe how screwed up things are back in the UK.

    Well, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has just been sacked after less than 40 days in the position.  He's been replaced by a bloke who stood in the leadership election earlier this year with a promise that he wanted to bring back fox-hunting.  I think we've got a government full of extra-terrestrials ...... they misread the public mood that badly.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: Hadn't checked the BBC website this morning. Just edited my most recent post Fox hunting? Duh! My sister and I were driving down the lane near her house some years back and saw a fox in flight from a pack of dogs. I think the fox got away that day - hurray!
  • Unknown said:
    Does anyone know of a country where the grown ups continue to be in charge?


    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Sunny Friday – after early morning rain so still no mowing!

    LINDA – more lovely flower photos. I thought you were away, so very confused am I!

    PAT – or even better : Heilan’ Coo. I love the black ones – and I believe that was the original colour – easily hidden in the woods to prevent rustlers!

    CLARE – good to see your photos! Sorry about Helen’s covid – is she back living with you two now? Do all you can to protect Limpy! Later – glad she is improving.

    ANNETTE – so your Daughter is in AZ for a while – a really peaceful time for you! Enjoy it – and rest that back.

    RUSTY – glad the eye story had a happy ending – but do take care! (later) I now see you have a positive result for Covid – yes, it is still with us – and I reckon will be for several months to come – or forever like flu! I hope you won’t feel any worse. – our SiL has long covid and is really unlike himself, physically and mentally, he says.

    LYNETTE – I hope those scaffolders have not caused permanent bad-feeling between you and neighbours!

    AQ – we also have a photo of Hamish the Coo at Kilmahog – might even have been the same year! We were on the way to Loch Katrine at the time – lovely spot.

    HEATHER – I suppose it is most likely your son just has a seasonal cold and cough – and maybe affected by the change in atmosphere between the Frosty Midlands and Balmy Inverness! I do hope you haven’t caught anything from him.

    “Just another day in politics”! If it wasn’t all so dreadful, it could be a badly drafted comedy scenario! I suppose we should be glad its out in the open rather than behind closed doors.

    Now going to try to remember our latest few days! On Wednesday J had yet another endocrine blood test. We two went to the garden centre for a birthday present for GGD and meat etc from butcher/deli opposite. J worked Thursday, and discovered they had changed their minds about needing him Friday! My vehicle had to have its onboard computer tweaked as the display was telling lies, but it was very quick, so we did get to the church Soup&Sweet Lunch – these have started up again this autumn. Sad that past regulars are missing, but there were a few new faces too. Today we expected a man to fix the display on our microwave – it works, but can’t manage all the wee lights, but the company that the insurance had booked said we weren’t on their list for today. Been trying to progress various minor but important tasks – and J did his ironing.
  • Unknown said:
    Sorry about Helen’s covid – is she back living with you two now?

    Yes.  She's been back here since June last year.

    Unknown said:
    “Just another day in politics”! If it wasn’t all so dreadful, it could be a badly drafted comedy scenario!

    Spot on.  Where did all the competent people disappear to?  Or was it just that they were employable in the real world?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY: I want to wish you a joyful, relaxing, and safe vacation!!! Have a wonderful and memorable trip!
  • Good morning. It’s raining here. I didn’t cough all night so hope I am on the mend from covid.
    The radio is all politics and I haven’t turned the TV on yet. I was wondering if, because we got sidetracked by yesterday’s political events, whether anyone read the first instalment of my travelogue. My question is, shall I write some more?
    Thanks for your news OG. Glad you got to the church lunch and also the garden centre.
    Lindy and OH - have a super, warm and restful holiday.
    Clare - hope Limpy is OK and that Helen is improving. Also hope you are ok too of course.
    Heather - I also hope you haven’t caught anything from your son.
    This virus is a weird thing, The friend I went on holiday with was coughing a lot whilst we were away and is still feeling ill and wobbly. She has tested every day and the results have all been negative. She wonders if she has got the flu.