Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Unknown said:
    We've had thunder here and now it's raining.   What on earth is going on?!

    It's called autumn.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • RUSTY – I agree you need to check book in hand, though if a wee bit too advanced for your g-neph, he will grow into it. We have a wonderful bookshop in city with helpful staff. I do test them! My recent venture went like this – “Please I want a fiction book for an 11 year old who likes books about animals but not scary stories. She has read every book in the library.” At this point I notice the assistant visibly sagging, so I add “What do you have that has just been published?” She brightened and found three. I duly inspected them, one was about kidnapping, um, scary perhaps? So I chose the other two, one for b-day, other for C-mas.
  • Good morning, all.  I've just added the last photos to my thread - if you'd like to see them click on Grumpy:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY Really like listening to Tim Peake......comes over as such a really nice chap.
  • I've just read that the Prime Minister was greeted with the words 'Back again? Dear, oh, dear' when she arrived for her weekly meeting with the monarch. King Charles has just skyrocketed in my estimation.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well, everyone. Here’s a shock. I have tested positive for covid!!! It took less that 30 seconds for a very very dark 2nd line to appear this morning. I did a 2nd test just to be sure and that too was firmly positive. I did mention earlier that I had a cold. I tested because I was due to go to lunch today with a friend who is having ongoing treatment for cancer. Then, in a further development, I have just received the results of a PCR test I did a week ago as part of the Office of National Statistics survey that I have been doing for 2 years now. That too was positive so seemingly, I have had covid for a week!!! I had done lateral flow tests for a couple of days after I got back from Portugal and they were negative. I now feel really bad at the number of people I have been unwittingly socialising with at the funeral, in the golf club and in their homes. Not to mention my 2 visits to the hospital about my eye!!! I have now postponed any activities for the next 5 days as per the government guidelines. I also had my booster jab and flu jab last Saturday with, as it now turns out, covid!!! Don’t know how that will affect things. I must ring the pharmacy.
    I feel OK apart from my cold. I have just done 30 minutes pottering in the garden. Hey ho!!!!
  • Clare- LOVE all your photos! Thanks for sharing
  • Rusty - So sorry to hear about your positive test(s). Glad you feel OK, though. But a worry for you that you have been in contact with so many people. There is so much Covid around at the moment, and people - like you - don't realise they have it until they test. Some people seem to be on their third or fourth round as well. Now most of the restrictions have been removed, we are all trying to pick up the threads of normal life and people I have heard of recently have all been surprised to have tested positive. So difficult. Hope you stay well and test negative very soon.
  • Rusty:   I'm surprised it took a week for you to get the results of that PCR test, which can yield results in a matter of hours.  How did you find out about that result? Phone call?  Please don't say it was a letter in the mail.  Meanwhile, do you have to notify (argh!) all the people with whom you've been in contact?  Not a fun project, but let's hope not too many acquired it. Take care!

    Clare:  Thunder and rain doesn't translate into Autumn in California; that's what we call Winter (if we're lucky).  And in Arizona and New Mexico it can mean Summer (monsoon season starts in July).  Meanwhile, I know the birds and seals were the focus of the latest selection of pix, but I could almost feel the swell of the ocean......