Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 October 2022


The moon turns full on Sunday.

Everyone have a safe, wonderful week! I'm off to the big city.

  • Hi all, just read through all your news. Lots to say and been doing.
    Lindybird - love your flower pics.
    OG - pleased to hear about J.
    Rusty - loved the pic from Portugal, eventually you must post some more. Pleased to hear that your eye is ok.
    Annette - glad visit from family went well and praise to grandkids for tidying up for you. Cake sounded delicious.
    Clare - sorry to hear that Limpy isn't classed as vulnerable now so just take care. Hope you get back to Mull one day.

    Had the scaffolders arrive today ready for the soffits, facias and guttering to be replaced tomorrow. Unfortunately they
    never asked if they could go into the neighbours garden to errect part of the scaffolding so I had an perplexed neighbour come round complaining and had to reassure her that if I had been informed by them I would have told her.
    Not to put a finer point on it, her husband came round later and asked for the phone number and also informed us that
    the scaffolding had been errected wrongly and not in compliance with regulations. Again I had to inform him that I knew nothing about it but would have a word with the contractors when they arrive tomorrow. What a saga. Do hope we have no ill feeling when it is all done.
    Also received a letter via my son from the hospital re Ray's treatment or lack of. They seemed to skim over the most important part of when he was first admitted. Sadly, we cannot bring him back and will probably have to accept some of the explanations in the letter but we are going to reply in due course that we are not satisfied with the findings.. I realise I will have to wrap this problem up eventually but cannot let go yet until a satisfactory answer is given. Sorry to rant on.

    Last of all, thanks to Diane for starting us off and enjoy your visit to the big city to dog sit.
  • Lynette:  Oh my.  Neighbors with their noses out of joint.  Hope it all resolves amicably and that the contractors get done quickly.

    Clare:  How could Limpy not be classed as vulnerable!   Have been reading about the financial/budget plans there - doesn't sound encouraging.  Two guesses which services they'll cut.

    Decided to ignore creaky back today and did some gentle clean up of walkways, etc. in the garden.  Going to have an MRI tomorrow to see if disc is herniated.  Meanwhile, granddaughter and I swapped physical therapy tips - she really did a number on her back in 2021 with a herniated disc and much much more.   The trio are now safely back in Arizona.    

  • ANNETTE – Excellent that your invaders tidied, washed, cleaned, etc before they left. Now don’t be too hasty returning to the house& garden work.

    RUSTY - Thank goodness you had a good eye report

    LYNETTE – Neighbours can be strange creatures.

    Hamish on display for tourists. Photo-ed at Kilmahog, Callendar in 2008.

  • Good morning and thank you to all. I have been reading every day.
    Family issues here seem to be settling down. I can't help but be directly involved and don't seem to be as strong as I used to be regarding these things. I find that living alone doesn't help - too much brooding time !
    My son is here for a few days, it's his 55th birthday today. How can that be?!!!
  • Good Morning. Misty, and wispy clouds here.

    Heather: I know it's easily said, but try not to dwell too much on family problems if you can. It can bog you down. It will all become water under the bridge eventually. Enjoy your sons visit.

    Lynette, hope your neighbours don't become more problematic. I suppose the main thing is that it took them by surprise - they might have been OK if they'd been told earlier.

    Annette: please don't aggravate your back by doing too much! Hope the scan sheds something on what ails. How lovely your family are, helping to tidy up after themselves.

    My d. in Law is busily researching all our family trees - I've given her some of our information on all four branches. She's already finding surprising things!

  • Oh, and AQ, thanks for the highland coo!! I took some pics of them many years ago but they're on old fashioned film somewhere. When we were in the Highlands we just loved them.

    Just realised it's Rusty's golf day - Hope your pink day goes well! And that the weather is kind.

  • Thanks Lindy. I am dressed in pink and just about to set off. So far it isn’t raining. I will let you all know how much we raise for cancer research when the figures are available. I have lots of money with me to buy raffle tickets and things from the stalls.
  • Keeping everything crossed for a good day, Rusty!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather:  I agree about not having the strength (physical/mental/emotional) to deal with some family issues.  At this point, I sometimes think: They're grown ups and have to sort things out for themselves!  (Haha - the pot calling the kettle black here). :-)    Are you still mulling downsizing to a smaller place?

    Our weather here is more May Gray and June Gloom than October....lots of coastal overcast but if that means cooler temps and no desert winds (usually the norm this time of year) to fan any fires, that's fine with me.

    Take care all

  • I've just added some more photos to my eagle thread - click on this graceful bird if you'd like to see some more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.