Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 October 2022


Everyone have a wonderful week. Enjoy the rest of autumn. It's predicted to be a rough winter here in the Midwest. I had the first frost this past week. The raccoons are trying to get into my attic!!!

  • Unknown said:
    We are both devotees of Elly Griffiths and her Ruth Galloway crime novels

    I've also read through those.  I'm now waiting for the conclusion to the cliff-hanger ending at the end of the last book!  North Norfolk is a lovely part of the world and a great setting.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Harelady - Thank you for the interesting link to the Seahenge story- I seem to have heard of it somewhere sometime, but couldn't have described it! Glad you had an enjoyable trip.

    Rusty -- Good that the elderly lady had a memorable send off. Loved the idea of a purple coffin! Gives me ideas....... LOL!

    Sunny here, now. We had a bit of watery sunshine here this morning, & those of us outside the local clinic in a big queue were glad of it! Apparently, there was a batch of covid vaccs in a fridge on Monday which were deemed unsafe as they had got warm. So all the people due to have theirs then, were adding to our numbers today. We waited, mainly outside, for 40 minutes. Got mine eventually & was asked if I'd like to have the flu jab in the other arm. Yes please!! Feel fine so far but expecting a sore arm tomorrow.

  • Now have another cake in the oven ready for tomorrow's family visit. Let's hope all goes well this time.

    My OH says he's going to leave off the big tiling job, for now. We will be off next weekend to Lanzarote for a break and he can finish it afterwards. (OG -- no, no safety goggles as he says he can't see in them although he has some)

  • LINDA - you just reminded me - we baked one day this week! I think it was Shortbread, Bakewell Slices and Gingerbread!