2022/23 OFF-SEASON FREE-FOR-ALL, ***FEEDERS*** & Other Wildlife Cams

Please post here anything related to the thread title Blush 

Makov Animal Rescue Station

One of our favourites.

The Pond cam has remained throughout the year, with new-to-us maturing cygnets and fawns still at the bottle-feeding stage:

No table manners !!!

The second cam has been a White Stork nest, which I have not been following during Osprey season.  The nest is very close to the ground because the Storks can't fly!

Today I find that the second cam has reverted to the birdie feeder we love - except it's been totally refurbished!  (Wish they'd zoom out just a teeny tad.)  Improved sound !!!  And look who popped in a few seconds after I started the download Chipmunk 

This was an incidental I came across on BirdwatchingHQ (you know how he hosts lots of cams unrelated to his own):

"Nocturnal thieves..."

  • Thanks scylla for starting us off. From SWFEC 'The nest is gone, but the nest tree remains. The fence is damaged and there are people there fixing it. Harriet and M15 have not been spotted. ' and '. IF the nest tree is sound, it is likely the pair will rebuild. They may decide to rebuild in another location (not sure what nest 2 tree/nest looks like at this time). But there is plenty of time for rebuilding.' and 'all cameras are accounted for - Camera 1 (nest tree), Camera 2 and Camera 3 (pond cam). Unfortunately, the tree that Camera 3 was installed (pond cam) fell.The camera is still attached and appears to not have any obvious damage.'

  • Unknown said:
    From SWFEC

    Thank you, Korky!  I wonder if you could paste that in the News from Other Nests, which is where I thought we should keep raptor nest cams.  Only the Sydney perries are breaking that "rule", as they've always been in Wildlife on the Web, and I've started a new thread there.

  • I am very seriously behind, partly thru refusing to reboot even tho this laptop has been seizing up for hours (and RSPB LG is telling me I'm going offline every minute or two but I think that's their fault not mine) - I'm going to do it after this little post.

    Two Siskins! 
    GREENFINCHES (thank you Jill x )

    Two Red Squirrels (a shortie):

  • I think these are greenfinches, although the colour is a bit odd. The beak is much too large for siskin.
  • JillR said:
    these are greenfinches

    Of course !!!  I knew something wrong, I'm used to seeing Siskins yellow>>>green but not to blue - and those beaks *eek*.

    Greenfinches, I am learning, are a law unto themselves Grin 

    Thank you very much, JILL Kissing heart 

    PS - I keep meaning to mention that there's something different about this cam this season, the "quality" is not the same - I'm not saying better or worse, just different.

  • Deleted - I got a "502 Bad Gateway" and it posted twice.

  • Jay face:

    Robins!  Adult and youngster (unless the latter is very poorly):

    I can't remember whether we saw this kind of squirrel here in previous years:

    Lots of staff(?) gathered at basket topping-up time, and a weird object was added:

  • scylla said:
    I can't remember whether we saw this kind of squirrel here in previous years

    Definitely a red squirrel scylla, with a dark tail. We've seen them at Makov in previous years. They come in various shades of red and their tail colours and ear tufts (which grow in the winter) can be quite varied too. The one in your nice video is a female as I can see her teats. I may get censored for writing that Grinning

  • Unknown said:
    I may get censored

    You got away with it, KORKY, and we get away with the Blue/Great/Coal version too Smile

    I did google Red Squirrels afterwards but never finished reading, so thanks for the very helpful summary Heart

  • Yesterday (3rd) I couldn't decide where to put my LG Crested Tit masterpiece (not!) and it looks as tho it never got posted anywhere at all!  I did speculate that incidentals from the main cams could be posted here and let LG, Glaslyn, etc, fall off the front page of threads - to spare other Community menbers.  Plus, LG is supposed to be gping offline soon anyway and be replaced by our fave feeder, but... silence from the VC.  Plus, LotL is still down and there's been little waterfowl activity at Glaslyn.

    Eek!  I see what's happened - this is open in another tab in an unposted RF box... doh! as SunnyKate would say Kissing heart 


    Nice surprise on the nest pre 08:00 - but it was very, very dark due to the angle of the sun - there's a startle-moment at the end:

    Vicious wind and rain overnight at Glaslyn - you can see all the glitches which make this cam not really worth putting in effort on:

    This morning, the vivid scene lasted only seconds:

    Then back to: