Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • I had my booster Covid jab on Wednesday, and haven't felt a thing. Was hoping to get flu in the other arm today, but the weather put me off! Fortunately our local pharmacy is doing walk-ins so I will pop down there when I can.

    Plenty more Covid cases around here over the last few days. I'm staying away from people as much as possible ...
  • Put a "like" on your post as well done on getting your jabs, Heather! Hope the arms aren't too sore tomorrow .....

    Clare, yes, they're green tiles. I wanted a fresh look in more ways than one. Our cupboards are oak fronted so we could have had anything, really, without clashing. I wear quite a bit of green - the latest fashion for sage green is easy on the eye.

  • See some of you have had your jabs.  Not got mine till 15th Oct but having flue for first time as DinL said the strain coming over from Australia

    is a bad one.

    Just pared down pics of the two birds | can't identify.  Taken on the road down to Morro Bay.

    Annette may be able to identify.  Will post some more pics when uploaded  - one of part of Santa Barbara which is where Annette is.

  • Our Youngest rang tonight, about our visit tomorrow -- which is now off, as they all have bad head colds. I tried to sound reasonably cheerful about it. I've not seen any of our grandchildren for weeks, and we were both looking forward to it. I spent half of this morning making a big "marbled" cake, so we both had a big slice tonight! May have to freeze some of it
  • Good Morning. The sun is out, here, so maybe I can get yesterday's soggy laundry dry at last.

    My OH is pressing on with what he's begun on the section of tiling he started.
  • Sorry about your cancelled trip, LINDY. What a pity - but it is for the best.
    My arms are a bit less painful, I'll survive !
    Now must get organised for the usual Saturday shopping trip with eldest and middle daughters. My son is coming here next week, for a few days break before things start to get busy in his shop - the pre Christmas stuff.
    My garden is needing the Autumn tidy up. Family will help. Sometimes I think about moving to a bungalow with a small garden....
  • Heather - I can thoroughly recommend a bungalow with a small garden ... I've lived in mine for twelve years now, and have no intention of moving. Mind you, the wider grounds here are wonderful so I don't feel at all claustrophobic.
  • I hope you managed the shopping without your arms being too troublesome, Heather.

    We did the usual Saturday things, shopping etc. for me, & my OH has pressed on. Had some sudden showers.

    Slept for an hour in the afternoon, in spite of having a good night last night. I feel as if old age has crept in prematurely. Not as lively as I was two years ago. Ho hum.