Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • Heather B said:
    I had a neighbour, years ago, who used to deposit dog poo on the doorstep of the house opposite.

    What a nerve.  I'd have done something appropriate with a catapult.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare- Your catapult comment had me laughing out loud
  • My subtlety and tact will be the death of me.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello to all.

    I also like to read everyone's daily happenings (not the dog poo ones, though). It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would want to do that.

    I am still unpacking boxes in our new home, but am a bit limited now until we get some new cupboards and shelves installed ( four to five weeks).
    I wasted time this morning. Someone started a jigsaw in our communal area downstairs last week. This has really taken off and now we are on the third puzzle. I returned from shopping to find someone at the table, so naturally I grabbed a cup of coffee and joined in.

    My OH is really happy that we have moved, but he has found it overwhelming. His 80th birthday is this week.
    He had a letter notifying him of an increase in his pension of 25p a week. I don't think this will drastically change our lives!

    Happy holiday to Rusty. It all sounds good.

    Best wishes to AQ, and everyone else coping with difficulties.
  • Unknown said:
    I wasted time this morning. Someone started a jigsaw in our communal area downstairs last week. This has really taken off and now we are on the third puzzle. I returned from shopping to find someone at the table, so naturally I grabbed a cup of coffee and joined in.

    That wasn't time wasting.  That's getting to know your new neighbours, a priceless exercise.

    Unknown said:
    He had a letter notifying him of an increase in his pension of 25p a week. I don't think this will drastically change our lives!

    It's been like that for years - absolutely shocking.  Hope he settles soon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Rosy That extra 25p a week? Maybe you could buy one or two pieces of a new puzzle?

    Heather:  Walked almost normally for an hour yesterday; even managed to wave the vacuum cleaner around for 10 minutes.   Was tentative the rest of the time. trying not to 'rest' to much as that creates other kinks.  :-)

  • Rusty -- How exciting. Lisbon is a wonderful city - we only had one day there when on a cruise, but we loved it. Have a wonderful time.

    Scylla! -- Great to see you here. Welcome!

    Clare! - Behave!! You can't suggest bodily harm to politicians on here! You'll get us all banned or something ;-))

    Rosy - Pleased to hear that your move has been such a success. Happy days in your new home, to you both. (Doing jigsaws sounds good to me, too)

  • Rusty From me too, have a lovely cruise. Wish I was going as well but I think my cruise days are over due to being on my own now.

    It makes me wonder what is going to happen with this new government - pound has plummeted in value, do they really think they are going to promote growth with the present measures, only time will tell!!!!
  • Evening all: Southern California Edison has been scheduling, then canceling, then rescheduling planned outages for equipment maintenance on and off for the last month or so. (All this maintenance is now constant thanks to that huge fire in Northern California a few years back that destroyed the town of Paradise and was blamed on poorly maintained power lines owned by Pacific Gas & Electric, which had to pay umpity billions in fines). Anyway, the latest update from SCE was for an outage this Friday the 30th and indeed the company put up parking restriction signs last weekend alerting us So we were surprised when SCE trucks descended on us this morning at 8:30 am (the 26th) and promptly turned off the power. We finally got it back at 7 p.m Meanwhile, the crew had no idea if we are included in the 30th plans.

    Lynette: Was reading about the plummeting pound; all very discouraging.

    While the power was down today I put a new battery in my laptop. The things you learn on YouTube!

    Take care everyone.