Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • Lindybird said:
    Clare & Limpy, congrats on another year of marital bliss.

    It's many things but rarely marital bliss!  Thank you, though.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I said it sort of tongue in cheek Clare! Anyway, the 1st 25 years are the worst!! LOL!!

    We're now at the point of ending each others sentences.... And of having an argument but then forgetting what it was about, an hour later ;-)))
  • Hello all, 3 pages already and its only late on Sunday evening.
    Lovely to read all what has been happening. Congrats to Clare and Limpy, Sorry to hear AQ's other half has not been at all well but is slowly improving.
    OG - Pleased to hear J is feeling better as he's now driving again. Must have lifted his confidence that he can now get out under his own steam..
    Son and DinLaw should have done the Alcatraz visit by now - I have to keep checking the time as we are 8 hours ahead so don't want to communicate in the middle of the night.
    Have our bi-monthly church meeting on Tuesday where we are voting in 4 deacons with 5 nominations, tough to miss one out. Our secretary is resigning but as yet we have no nominations unless at the 11th hour somebody comes forth.Will have to wait and see.
    Managed to get in for my booster on the 15th October. Not a lot happening down here this week .
  • Rusty glad you had a meet up with friend and walked for 4 miles trying to find that particular Dyke. All that fresh air and nature, must have been uplifting.

    Lindybird - re argument with OH and forgetting it later, sounds a bit like it was with myself and OH before he left us. All couples have their ups and downs in a marriage but we learn over the years to keep working at it.
  • Good Morning. Raining gently here.

    Off to collect my new glasses today, so an outing with my OH again, as he is coming with me to look at kitchen tiles whilst we are in another town. The new kitchen bin is a great success, although occasionally I stand in the middle of the toom for a few seconds wondering where I'm going with an empty can!!
  • Good morning. It felt very cold and damp here when I first got up but the sun is trying to appear now so it feels a bit more cheery now.
    I am having my hair done this morning and then I am taking my friend who had the broken arm to a doctors appointment. We plan to do a bit of shopping in town afterwards.
    I am getting excited, as another friend and I are finally going on holiday to Portugal tomorrow!!! We should have gone in September 2020. You know why we didn’t!!! We are a bit apprehensive about flying. It is a guided tour when we get there. We start in Lisbon and work our way north to Porto. It is going to be quite historical I think although we do have a couple of wine tastings!!!! I don’t think I will have much time for birdwatching! It’s just for a week.
  • Rusty - Have a lovely holiday. I know sooner or later I'm going to have to pluck up the courage to fly again ... so many places I want to see, so little time ... a mix of history and wine-tasting, together with some possibly interesting birds (many new arrivals, at this time of year) it sounds great.
  • Have a good time, Rusty. I'm sure you'll get some birdwatching in as birds pop up anywhere and everywhere. My best rook photos this year were taken at service stations on the A1!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    The new kitchen bin is a great success,

    Lindybird Hugging   I've been scrolling backwards to find out what kichen bin is a "great success" because mine is not !!!  But all I've discovered is that you smoke cigars... oops, that was George Burns, that's where scrolling backwards gets one Grin

    I shall pop back later...

  • How nice to see you on this thread, Scylla the Magnificent!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.