Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 September 2022


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

The moon turns new on Sunday evening/night.

  • I went on my walk to try to trace Wats Dyke in the other direction but went through the park to take a photo for you of how he park keepers maintain the Dyke there.

    Sadly, I didn’t do very well in the other direction. They seem to have built some new houses right over the line. I did find a footpath called Wats Dyke Way so I may walk down that one day. My friend and I ended up walking over 4 miles!!! We chatted all the way and have caught up on all the news. 

  • Just seen it’s midday – don’t know where the morning went, because we weren’t late up and haven’t been to church – couldn’t face the harvest service – too many high-pitched hymns! J managed to wake himself up as intended and has gone to his church (not harvest).

    We did go out as planned on Friday. Lunch was very good – I had a cheese savoury sandwich and OH had prawn in his – both on granary bread and with salad. Lovely surrounding views from there – across the river and towards the forest. The floral art displays in the church were excellent – took loads of photos but haven’t looked at them yet (not easy to take as a lot had back-lighting in window alcoves). The theme fitted with Scotland’s Year of Story-telling, and depicted dreams, visions, sayings etc from books and traditional legends, several of them local. J was also pleased with his time out – he’s so glad to be able to drive now he has proper glasses and his eyes so much more comfortable.

    CLARE AND LIMPY – congrats on another anniversary!

    LINDA - please Sue’s move happened smoothly for her – now it is a fait accompli maybe you can stop worrying about it!

    RUSTY – glad you had an enjoyable birthday and have been having some good walks. You mentioned Wat’s Dyke passes through your estate – do you have a lot of land there?

    DIANE – thanks for new week and update on the new moon – oh dear, I should have filed my nails – maybe this afternoon will count as before the moon is waxing!

    AQ – sorry your OH has been extra unwell – sleep is a good healer.

    A domestic afternoon, here, I think.
  • OG - when I say estate, I mean the housing estate I live on!!!! I don’t live in a mansion with my own grounds!!! I have a modest semi detached house with a smallish garden!!!!
  • Sorry, RUSTY, I read that totally wrong!

    We are about to download Fridays photos from the camerasbefore doing my shower and then having chicken for dinner.
  • Hello, I seem to have missed out coming on here this morning. Still busily putting things back in cupboards, & then stopped to plant out some pretty cyclamen in a tub by the front door. Brushed up some leaves on the front pathway, which felt very autumnal. It was cold1st thing this morning, first time it's felt like that.

    Diane, thank you for starting us off. Clare & Limpy, congrats on another year of marital bliss.

    We went to see Sue's new abode yesterday morning. As I expected, its very small- in fact the estate agents photo of the roomy looking lounge area was downright fraudulent! Can't think she's going to settle there for long - she's already had inroads with some of the present residents - someone left a doggy poo bag on her front step as if to say " Your messy dog is not welcome here" as of course dogs wandering around & leaving little presents is frowned upon. Except, her Toffee has not been off the lead since she arrived so it can't have been him!

    We hated the position of the bungalow as its in the countryside, but her windows only look out onto clipped hedges and her kitchen view is a tennis court (unused). I would be out of there in three weeks! Will have to wait and see. We invited her to come & share our roast beef dinner last night, which she did. It saved her having to cook or clear up. Today she is back to unpacking. Her lovely d.in law helped her over the last two days.
  • LINDY So sorry to hear about the poobag being left on Sue's doorstep. I do wish people would tackle these things face to face then at least Sue would be able to plead her innocence. I am glad she was able to share your roast beef dinner.
  • Morning all:   Sounds like you've all been very busy.  I missed the launch of a big rocket out of Vandenberg Space Center yesterday. I even had it on my phone calendar, but was driving so didn't hear the rumble or feel the vibration.  It was a Delta IV Rocket with a top secret surveillance device and the last of that series of launches from Vandenberg. (I wonder if they can see the all dirt on our floors....)

    Clare:  Congrats on the anniversary. I think PatO was right in her response.  :-)   Morning avalanche is it!  Now only down to 18 pills?  How does Limpy's stomach handle that?

    AQ:  Glad OH is a tad chirpier - easier on you.

    Rusty:  Bravo for four miles. As physical therapists like to say: Motion is Lotion.   I usually aim for a minimum of two but what with one thing and multiple others haven't achieved that for a while.  Had to smile at Lindybird's assumption that you were on a large estate a la Balmoral or similar.   Tx for the photo of Wats Dyke.  I read it was some kind of defense structure to keep out the Welsh (all those singers!) but at this point it doesn't quite fit that image. Hadrian's Wall was thought to be as high as 15' when it was built, which still doesn't seem like much of an obstacle but maybe those northern tribes hadn't discovered ladders.....

    OG:  Talking of Scottish folk tales, etc,, before the Queen's burial service at Windsor Chapel I'd heard her personal piper was going to play Over the Sea to Skye at the end, but he was played Tribute to the Fendermaster according to the caption, which sent me off to Auntie Google where I read a fendermaster was someone who was tasked with keeping the royal fireplace fenders nice and shiny.  Wonder why she chose that (since it appears she organized that part of the day).

    Lindybird:  Will be interested to hear how Sue does in her new place.  Not nice about the doggy poo bag: Was it full (oh my) or just a rude and very presumptuous hint?

    dibnlib:  We have a distant family relative in town for two days this week; we'll see him for a meal.  He was also in Las Vegas (took day trips from there) and is ending up in LA for the flight home.   I can't stand Las Vegas.  Have been there twice in 60 years:  Once early on just to see it and 26 years later my Mom and I spent a night there after we visited my daughter who was living in Tucson Arizona at that time. My poor Mum was upset with me because we didn't go out looking for a Catholic Church for Sunday Mass....no Google Maps in those days.  I'd been driving for hours the day before too tired.  :-(   Now of course I feel guilty for not making the effort.  

    Aches and pains from sliding off the little garden cart now subsiding.   Of course, I was tidying up the garden because we a garden guy coming by the next morning to give me ideas on lessening the work load.  Typical!

  • Oh, Annette! Its like cleaning before the cleaning lady comes. Which I'm sure I'd do, if I had one. Not guilty of getting the states of estates mixed up! Glad you're not suffering permanent damage from falling off the garden cart. Easily done.

    Just tried to take a nap, but someone up the road from here has been taking an old car to pieces, and he & friend have been banging, rattling, scraping, and shouting to each other <sigh>
  • Today's quotes:

    I smoke cigars because at my age if I didn't have something to hold onto I might fall down. George Burns.

    He who laughs lasts.

  • Unknown said:
    How does Limpy's stomach handle that?

    You probably don't want to know.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.