Weekly Chat (Non Osprey) 17th Sept. 2022

Good Morning. Just starting us off again: Everyone, have a good week!

  • Good Morning. Very misty looking here, & truly autumnal on what we're told is the1st day of Autumn. Looking at my windows, I realised that they're misted up on the outside! Strange weather causing strange effects.

    My OH is off out, as I said, so I have time to get to grips with refilling the cupboards which are remaining. The old tiling looks forlorn, as some had to be ripped off, so I must get on with choosing some new ones.

    Sue moves today, which has made me very sad. I just hope I'm wrong and that she'll be happy there. She is an organised person so didn't need me, and of course I've been too busy this week to help pack, anyway. We will go to see her tomorrow with flowers and good wishes.

  • RUSTY - I've been reading about Wat's Dyke. I knew about Offa's Dyke but not about Wat's and it's interesting that the two are pretty well parallel for the length of Wat's Dyke.
    ANNETTE- housework can wait ! It is good to know that two of your daughter's horses are rehomed. I take it that the third is still in Arizona with your granddaughter ?
    LINDY - I can understand your concerns about Sue...
    OG - it seems as if J is making a real effort to get out of his comfort zone. Well done to him.

  • LINDY Where is Sue moving too....I hope it isn't too far away form you.
  • Hi folks, hope all ok. Not been on for a few days.
    Annette - which part of California did you say you were in. My son and his wife are over there now, in fact having a tour of the Grand Canyon. Leaving Las Vegas they fly to San Fancisco and have some time there before driving down to Monterey Bay and Morro Bay, Santa Barbara and then on to Los Angeles where they fly home from. Just been putting in their itinerary on Google map, looks very interesting.
  • AQ - sorry to learn about your OH but hope he is getting to grips with the medication and things will settle down.

    Annette - pleased to hear that your daughter has managed to house 2 of her horses, lets hope she can do the third one as well.

    OG - use to go to a quiz night once a month when Ray was alive - Northampton Blind Association - but never got very
    far. Hope the flower festival was colourful and enjoyable . Pleased to hear J is going out on his own again.

    Lindybird - I bet your kitchen looks great now, just the tiling to do. I know what you mean about an item not arriving. I sent for some items from Hotel Chocolate last week(for son's birthday) and also for self. Said it had been delivered but not to me so emailed them and they sent a replacement in the meantime I located the said parcel and it had been delivered to our local primary school just up the road from me. The address just had my first name, name of Crescent plus rest of the address, no surname or number on the Crescent. I checked my account and my address was correct - somebody had been lazy and not typed the right address. The long and short of it was I ended up with two parcels, offered to send one back but they said keep it so we have our first CP in stock now.

    Weather here has been a mixture of cloud and sunshine but hardly any rain but definitely cooler now. Have a good weekend all.
  • LYNETTE - what I would call a happy happenstance !
    I see that Hilary Mantel has died, only 70. I've not read any of her books ( yet) but I think that ANNETTE has read The mirror and the Light ?
  • 70 ......... eek. Limpy is now within two years of that and it's unnerving.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Well, I have had a lovely day. (It’s my birthday and I am past 70 - so not much hope then!!!!) I have been to Chester where I met my sister and brother in law and a friend for lunch at my favourite French restaurant. We chatted for ages and then I got myself and my presents back on the bus!!! Since I got home I have had a visit from my 4 year old little great niece and her mum and dad. That was a lovely surprise and then I have received 3 long phone calls. Phew! I have got a cup of tea and have broken into the box of chocolates my visitors brought!
    I have to say I was not all that bothered about yet another birthday but it has turned out to be a really nice, happy, sociable day.
    I will do replies to the general discussion to tomorrow.
  • Happy Birthday Rusty! Great that you had a lovely day, hope you have many more!
  • Hallo all:

    Heather:   I've read all the Wolf Hall books (Wolf Hall/Bring up the Bodies/The Mirror and the Light).   Found them all enthralling although I thought the last one repeated a lot of info that was in the first  Still, Mantel was a great writer and meticulous researcher.  And yes, the third horse is still in AZ; too old for the therapeutic center but still much-loved by daughter et al.

    Lynette:  You can never have too much chocolate!   I'm in Santa Barbara - it's a lovely town.  If they're taking Highway 1 as opposed to Interstate 101(which is faster), it's spectacular and winding from Monterey Bay south. (Interstate 5 is even faster but seriously boring and unattractive.)   I hope they're planning on spending a day somewhere en route.    Anyway, Cambria (just north of Morro Bay) is lovely too - as are most of the small towns that dot the route.  In Cambria, Moonstone Beach has a lovely boardwalk beside the ocean.  And if they've only got a short time in Santa Barbara, the Courthouse is fabulous (Spanish Revival Architecture); its bell tower provides a 360 degree view of the entire town.  Stearns Wharf (the pier) gives a nice view back to the town.  You can park on it, but fair warning: Most of the restaurants offer a view, but not much else. The best place to eat is the Santa Barbara Shellfish Company, a very casual place right at the end of the pier.  Further east is the Reunion Kitchen, which is right on the beach, as is the Shoreline Beach Cafe, in the opposite direction on west beach, where the outdoor tables are right on the sand. And my favorite bakery/breakfast place is Jeannine's, which has just opened a new location on Cabrillo Blvd, right across from the entrance to the pier.   Anyway, they're going to see a lot of different geography!

    My little wheeled garden cart bucked me off the day before last -  I'd stood up (that seems like awful grammar!) to reach for the back of a plant I was tidying up and when I sat back down the cart had moved a few inches so that I was sitting right at one end.  Physics took over:  The cart tipped and I slid down to the ground (just a foot away) but landed right where my sciatica was giving me problems and boy! did I hurt. Nothing broken, cracked or compressed apparently, but my left hip and leg aren't happy at all.  Didn't realize gardening could be hazardous to your health!

    Meanwhile, take care all.