Weekly Chat (Non Osprey) 17th Sept. 2022

Good Morning. Just starting us off again: Everyone, have a good week!

  • AQ;  Dizzy from meds can be problematic.  My own OH has had a fall thanks to that.   Glad your OH is able to take care of his very early morning doses.  Meanwhile, dusting, weeding and vaccuming have also slid down the To-Do list at my house this year, though I am now cutting back border plants whose blooms faded a couple of months back.

    Rusty:  Hooray for your friend!  I bet she was ecstatic about losing the cast.

    If anyone remembers, my daughter had three horses in Arizona.  Well, prior to her move back here, she was able to connect (through an Arizona neighbor) with someone just a couple of hours up the road from us in Paso Robles who wanted to buy her gorgeous little pony Savannah for her own daughter. The lady picked her up about a month ago and sent photos of Savannah in her new home, which was very posh indeed!!   What's even better is that a second horse, Cinnabon, is now at Hearts Therapeutic Equestrian Center here in Santa Barbara.  Daughter had called Hearts Therapeutic from Arizona, asking if they were interested in one or more of her horses. I thought that was a very long shot indeed, but it turned out the guy in charge of the Center was visiting family/friends in Flagstaff Arizona, was able to stop by the AZ house to check them out and decided he could use this particular horse for the Center's therapeutic riding classes.  He was back in Flagstaff over last weekend, picked up Cinnabon yesterday and they arrived back at the Center in SB - just 10 minutes from my daughter's new place! - this morning at 2 a.m. with the horse apparently in fine shape after an 11-hour trip.  We are going to see her (the horse) Friday morning.  I have to hand it to my daughter: She's very determined when it comes to finding good homes for her critters.   Meanwhile, her own special horse, the lovely Margarita, is too old to be anything more than a garden ornament and is getting used to her new 'roommate' the goat.  Granddaughter and Ms.D also have daughter's dog Pearl for the time being, but are missing the horses (not that they ever had time to ride them!!).  

    Must do some exercises for sciatica flare-up!  

    Take care all.

  • Great about the horses, Annette - always good to hear such a happy ending to a story.

    Rusty - Great that your friend is free at last!! I would be ecstatic!

    AQ -- I've got everything crossed that your OH will continue with the meds and continue to improve. Get some rest when you can.

    I'm up early as my OH has gone out to golf, and the new worktops arrive today.
  • After snoozing most of day between meals, OH took a walk outside to the recycling bin! I slept for 2 hours after lunch, feel much refreshed.
  • Annette - that is really good news about the horses. I am very sorry to hear about the sciatica. I, fortunately, haven’t had it, but several friends have and I know it is very painful.
    AQ - I hope things continue to settle down for you and your OH now.
    Lindy - good luck with the installation of the new worktops. I hope your OH has a much better game of golf than I did on Sunday!!
    My friend still has to have physio and isn’t sure whether she is allowed to drive yet. She has an automatic car so doesn’t have to worry about the gears but she has to be able to pull up the handbrake. She is going to ask the physio about it when she goes on Friday.
    I have just been on a fascinating hour long local walk. A friend in Chester asked me about Wats Dyke which I have always known passed through my estate. Well, I have been out and traced it. It is marked by a line of trees and an actual bit of dyke in the park!!! I found it all rather amazing. The local school and a road are named after Wats Dyke which actually forms one of the boundaries of the school!!!! I took a series of videos making a commentary as I went. Now she wants to come and investigate herself!!! I can go with her and then we can come back here for coffee!!!! I have only lived here for 43 years and, although I knew vaguely where the dyke was, I have never traced it before.
  • Glad it's done you good, AQ.

    Chaos here as opened the door to new worktops delivery man, & he was followed by the joiner, who I was expecting tomorrow! Quick rush to empty more cupboards and make room for him to work...... he is getting on with it thank goodness, as we've waited long enough for a change.
  • ANNETTE Lovely to hear the happy story of your daughters horses.

    LINDY Hope all goes well with the worktops.
  • Rusty:   Fascinating about Wats Dyke.  Just Googled it; amazing that all that history is in our backyards so to speak (well certainly in UK backyards - our history is much more recent).  Don't know if anyone there knows that the Spanish built a series of missions across the Southwest U.S. when they first arrived.  They were built a day's horse ride apart and go all the way - in California - from San Diego to San Francisco.   There's one up the road - La Purisima - that was moved after an earthquake destroyed the original (you can still see the original walls, buried under weeds by a railroad track). Thing is, the padres and everyone else of that time had no idea that coastal California is riddled with faults and they built their new mission all of two miles across the valley - completely useless in terms of avoiding earthquakes, but it's been spared thus far.

    Lindybird:  Hope the workmen accomplished a lot today.

    OG:  Thinking of you and wondering how things are going?

    AQ:  Glad you got some sleep!

    For some reason last night I found myself wondering if anyone had seen Wendy lately?

    Meanwhile, take care all.

  • ANNETTE - Wendy doesn't follow the Chat page any more but I am in touch with her via FB messenger. She says to tell you that all.is fine, sadly both of their dogs died recently but they have now taken in another rescue dog who is settling in very well.
  • Heather: Ah okay. Thank you. Please tell her sorry about her dogs - she was so fond of them - but glad she's found another one....
  • RUSTY – I am so jealous of all the ancient things that you in UK have so close.

    ANNETTE – Great news of your Dau’s horses & that family are able to maintain contact. I recently re-read James Michener’s “Texas”, followed by John Steinbeck’s “East of Eden” & “Grapes of Wrath”. If our library system has any more in Texas & California, I shall seek them.

    Yeay LINDA, it’s happening!!!

    My quick food shop trip yesterday was slowed by crowds stocking up. Our PM has decided that today (Thursday) will be a public holiday as a day of mourning. It’s all over, mate. Many people are taking a sickie on Friday & thus a long weekend away. Victorians have a public holiday Friday anyway for the parade for the football finals this weekend.

    No holiday in this house; housework as usual! This morn OH insisted on fetching the newspaper from the front lawn and walked quite spritely. After toast & meds he has gone back to bed to sleep. Leaving me to ponder which cleaning is more vital and plan a tasty lunch. Bruschetta I think will tempt him.