Weekly Chat (Non Osprey) 17th Sept. 2022

Good Morning. Just starting us off again: Everyone, have a good week!

  • LINDY - Thank you - don't feel embarrassed ! I often have to remind myself which day it is, first thing in the morning.
  • HEATHER: Me, too. I've had to look at my phone to check the day every morning this week. Then my phone gave me an odd warning that I had no more data. Turns out, I'd forgotten to pay my phone bill. SHEESH! Lindy, no reason to feel embarrassed. Have a safe journey home.

  • It's been an odd few days - I've not felt 100% and can only plead insanity in the circumstances!

    We had most of today out exploring Anglesey. Had a walk on a beach, a nice lunch (hummus & flatbread for me) and a look at some of the coastline.

    Here is the view of the Snowdon mountain range from the coast of the island:

    Sorry that some sort of dog seems to have got into the picture!

  • Lindy - ha ha! Bonnie I presume? Was that Newborough beach by any chance? So sorry you are not feeling 100%. You have your eye worry and Sue’s move must be in the back of your mind too.
    Diane - you too have had a lot on your mind. It is little wonder you forgot to pay your phone bill.
    At golf we had wind, rain and then sunshine!! It has to be said that neither my partner nor I played well. However, we enjoyed the game and got on well with the other 2 people we were playing with. We had an excellent Thai Green curry in the clubhouse afterwards.
  • Good Morning. Dry here. Pleased to see that it will be dry in London for the crowds today.

    Rusty, yes, that's Bonnie and she often creeps into my pics! Glad you enjoyed your game even though you didn't have a good score. Its the taking part that counts, they say!
  • Good Morning. Dry here. Pleased to see that it will be dry in London for the crowds today.

    Rusty, yes, that's Bonnie and she often creeps into my pics! Glad you enjoyed your game even though you didn't have a good score. Its the taking part that counts, they say!
  • For our beautiful Queen:

    The Saddest Day

    As we wake upon this, our saddest day
    And drape our world in black
    We'll hear what history has to say, and
    There'll be no turning back.

    We will reflect on all your life
    Which thankfully has been long.
    Your fate entwined with ours, our Queen,
    In a never ending song.

    Through war and tribulation
    We've had your guiding hand -
    Not just a head of nation,
    But a mother, who would understand.

    Ever present, ever dutiful,
    You were your father's child
    You gave us contemplation
    Of a world which was not mild.

    Your family, so dear, will miss you
    As we will, your family, too.
    The earth never again will see
    A soul remarkable as you.

    The tears will fall upon this day
    With pomp and drums and grief
    It will be quite our saddest day
    With no sign of relief.

    You said the honour was all yours
    Each time we gave you flowers -
    But we can see from our own lives
    That the honour, Ma'am,

    Was ours.

  • Lindy - Thank you, a lovely poem. I'm watching the coverage and am amazed to see many members of the congregation in Westminster Abbey already seated. They will have a long wait ... still more than two hours before the service starts. They will need plenty of stamina. As we will - looks as though I'll be stuck to my settee for at least the next eight hours ...
  • Morning all: Got a text at 1 a..m. our time from friend in Seattle who was already watching BBC. I had my alarm set for 2 a.m..
  • Well, I totally lost the plot last week – too much television, and general laziness! I think J’s depression is also dragging me down – although at least he sleeps a lot of the time.

    Thanks LINDA (!) and DIANE for the new week.

    AQ – pleased your OH doesn’t seem to have suffered damage in his fall – but do watch him a bit extra. We went to church yesterday – a shortened service but then a quarterly meeting. It was very cold in there – we are hoping to use the heating soon but have been economising. I shall not go again until the heating is on.

    LINDA – glad you had a good day out exploring Anglesey. I love hummus – have to keep thinking of something to give the men which I won’t eat so I can say I’ll substitute hummus! (yes – OH does most of the prep and all the cooking, but I still have to plan the meals – reminds me of the days when he used to do a barbeque: he cooked a few its of meat, but you can guess who did the marinating and made the salad!)

    PAT – I am not watching the service in Westminster – I intended to, but decided I just couldn’t face any more! The whole process has lasted too long for me, especially when you consider the whole thing was planned and written years ago! I may watch Windsor later.

    We offered our cleaners the day off for bank holiday, but they weren’t interested, so they will be here after lunch. The sun is shining, and OH has already been in the greenhouse planting a few bulbs.