Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 September 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, happy week. 

  • I too, had a horrid and muddled day yesterday, but at lunchtime was at the Optician's where a solemn young woman took a look at me and then said that I have some kind of crumpled corneas which are misshapen and so the surgeons would be reluctant to operate on my cataracts at the moment- although they are worse than nearly 2 years ago, they need to be much worse before they would risk operating. So I will have to wait. Meanwhile, she gave me a new prescription for my glasses which she said would assist in my driving.
  • In the afternoon I went shopping locally and was almost involved in an accident as I wound my way through narrow streets with cars parked on one side. A father with a child on the back of his bicycle, and a very young girl in front of him, on her small pink bicycle were heading in the opposite direction. As we met on a bend, I realised with my heart in my mouth that a stupid woman in a black car was trying to overtake them and was therefore on my side of the road. I had nowhere to go and could only brake and pray. Thankfully she realised that I was oncoming, braked and the cyclists passed me with the man saying something about stupidity, through my open window as he passed. Phew!

  • Oh my goodness Lindy,Am so thankful, your Guardian Angel, stepped in to protect you and the cyclists.
    This is why I am so thankful to no longer be driving, Sadly I am of the opinion that ALL road users have become so ," I am doing what I want, never mind Highway Code, or your rights" Grr!!!

    Also sorry about your eye deterioration, as we have said before, this getting old is no fun.
    Take care everyone.


  • For the everything lovers!  That's great.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDY phew indeed. I love your beach pebble artwork and coincidently a friend of OHs had posted one of Paddington and the crown from the same artist. Well worth looking up....beach4art.
  • Oh dear Lindy. What a horrid day you had yesterday. That episode with the father and daughter and the woman in the black car must have been very scary. Then the depressing news about your eyes. I don’t understand when friends have been told they have to wait until cataracts get worse before they can be operated on. A friend of mine who has serious eye problems got referred to the big eye hospital in Manchester. Hers was not a straightforward cataract operation at all but they worked miracles and she is birdwatching with the rest of us now.
    I have been keeping up with all the events in London. The procession yesterday was very sombre and moving. This morning I got annoyed at the TV and radio who seemed to be obsessed with interviewing people in the queue. I too am glad that the king is having a day off today.
    I have been birdwatching on the Wirral side of the Dee estuary today. Many signs of migration with one swallow but lots of house martins, wheatears, chiffchaff about. We also saw the arrival of some of the first pink footed geese. Naturally we had lunch in a cafe!!!!!
  • Morning all: I've been dropping in and out on the livestream of from Westminster Hall. Fascinating to see so many different kinds of people in line. Got exasperated with a few people who strolled through with their hands in their pockets!! I mean, for heaven's sake, folks, get a clue - this is not an outing to some tourist site!!!
  • As others have mentioned, I am so pleased that our new King is taking the day off. He must really need it. I think he is off to Wales tomorrow.

    Rusty mentioned seeing the geese on the Dee estuary. We have started to hear the geese flying over, not in great numbers yet but still a lovely sight and sound.
  • LINDY Sorry you have no date for the cataract op yet.

    ANNETTE Hands in pockets!!! I also hope people had given their shoes a shine. I had an appt with a new Dr at our surgery many years ago, I took one look at his shoes and decided I didn't want to see him again. Luckily he was just passing through. Added to his scruffy shoes he gave me the wrong diagnosis. He told me I had a sprain when in fact it was Achilles tendinopathy.
  • I agree about shoes -- no one seems to polish their shoes now, or else they wear the kind which don't need polishing.

    We got to Wales without incident, even though we hit a roadworks (again! - they're improving the roads here) but the worst queues seemed to be in the opposite direction.

    All is well here but we're both tired after the effort of getting here: because as the kitchen fitter is coming midweek next week, we began moving things already. Also, haven't put everything away yet which we got out of the loft recently, as some of it needs sorting over. <sigh> Kitchen guy couldn't come at a worse time. Hope we don't get run over as the house looks like a jumble sale! :-0