Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 September 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, happy week. 

  • Just a thought

    Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married, and she didn't have to hear about the way his mother cooked. (Kimberly Broyles)

    Conversation between Adam and Eve must have been difficult at times, because they had nobody to talk about. (Agnes Repplier)

  • Good Morning. Grey skies here and we've had rain all night, I think. I have some small bulbs to plant so now the ground will be much softer.

    Lots to do today as I seem to have begun several small projects at once, and not finished all of them! My OH is going to paint the back door (we have a wooden inner door and an outer double glazed one) So it will be busy, busy for both of us. Bonnie was sick after eating her breakfast today so will have to keep an eye on her.

    AQ - Well done on the potatoes!
  • aquilareen said:
    Nah, CLARE, you would have been trampled by the Trio <grin>

    They'd have had fun trying.  There's quite a lot of me!

    I'm assuming the Trio are the kids?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - it always seems strange that you talk about doing spring planting when we are going into autumn. It seems very autumnal today. Quite damp but still warm.
    Lindy - I hope you and your OH get all your jobs done. You will feel good when you have done them
    This afternoon I am taking my friend with the broken arm (yes - still in its brace after 3 months!!!) to a local garden centre. No hardship at all, especially as she is proposing to buy my birthday present whilst we are there!!!! Also, tea and cake have been mentioned!!!
  • Enjoy yourselves, Rusty.

    Its a muddled day, here, but there is progress in some fronts.
  • Hi all and thank you Diane for yet again starting us off. Hope all is OK with you.

    Lindy - I think the photographer was Cecil Beaton. You've reminded me , I had some bulbs delivered a few days ago and must try and plant them probably at the weekend when dau is around.

    Yes, certainly saturation coverage but I must admit I did watch this afternoons programmes of the hearse going to St. Giles Cathedral and then the service. Very moving and simple.
  • I've also been watching for most of the day. I agree, LYNETTE, about the service from St Giles.
  • I thought the service was lovely. Sublime music, and deep and appropriate words. I missed this morning's ceremonies - a boring bowls club meeting had to take priority, unfortunately.

    Hectic week last week and another one this week. Can anyone tell me what retirement is supposed to be like?!?!? I'm sure it's not like this ...
  • I thought the service was lovely. Sublime music, and deep and appropriate words. I missed this morning's ceremonies - a boring bowls club meeting had to take priority, unfortunately.

    Hectic week last week and another one this week. Can anyone tell me what retirement is supposed to be like?!?!? I'm sure it's not like this ...
  • LINDY Hope Bonnie is ok

    Watched the family walk behind the hearse up to St Giles and like others I thought the service was simply beautiful.