Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2022


Today was the new moon. I can't believe that this week will be the beginning of September! Where does the time go? It feels like I just started a new thread a day ago. 

I hope you all have a healthy, joyful, serene week! Enjoy the last of summer. 

  • Congratulations on your move, Rosy. One of life's most stressful events, I read somewhere. Hope you'll be happy there.

    Rusty, don't worry if you can't reply to all posts. It's been said before. You are kind to your friend.

    Heather, love the story. Judging by some of the people on our last cruise, who we saw swaying a little towards the end of the evening, it's not unusual! My OH was cross because we had bought a package and of course we drank nothing like enough, both when well & when feeling poorly.

    My hairdresser had her usual shout about her relatives, and gave me a super haircut, which helps me go out & face the world.
  • AQ -- Love your quotes today.

    Here are some more:

    Old age is when you go on a protest march because you need the exercise.

    I can't imagine a wise old person who can't laugh. Erik H. Erikson.
  • Heather and others I can sympathise. I am not sure what is going to happen here. Since becoming a widow at the
    beginning of the year I did wonder how I would manage. Fortunately, my OH had accounts elsewhere and so that money came into my account once all debts etc were paid. His bank account was virtually wiped out with the funeral costs. However, due to changing my pension to a widows' pension and getting another one from a firm he used to work for I have been reasonably coping but don't know how things will pan out once the utility bills go up. I can only hope and pray that I will have enough to live on. All we can all do is to wait and see how it works out for us. Do hope you all find you can cope. Just taken some money out of ISA's that OH had to pay for soffits , drain pipes etc to save on maintenance of the house in the future.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong but don't you qualify for housing benefit if income is below a certain amount or are receiving other benefits. I must admit I am not au fait with the rules.
  • Rosy - happy new home and hope you settle in very soon.

    Lindy - belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  • Lynette D said:
    Please correct me if I'm wrong but don't you qualify for housing benefit if income is below a certain amount or are receiving other benefits.

    That would now fall under Universal Credit.  I'd check that out as soon as you can, and get a claim in - I think it still takes weeks before a first payment is made.  Fingers crossed you're successful.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Dry here & no rain last night. I'd actually be relieved if we had some rain, as the poor garden is suffering now.

    I must attack my huge ironing pile, as I went to sleep after lunch yesterday instead of getting the iron out! Yesterday I got more birthday cards - a beautiful one from my Eldest, which must have got held up in the post. Birthdays now stretch out over several days! Think I'll stop having them, though. Don't like the numbers which seem to bear no relation to me.

  • Good morning. Well, Lindy - snap! I too am going to do a huge ironing today. I washed all my lighter clothes as it was predicted to get more unsettled this week. I will (hopefully) need them on my twice postponed holiday to Portugal which should, fingers crossed, now happen at the end of this month.
    I seem to have grown a rather large courgette which is almost the size of a marrow!!! so I am going to make a pan of ratatouille and freeze it in portions. I find I like it in the winter.
    I have had 2 early birthday cards from people who have gone on holiday and won’t be here to post them at the correct time. Mind you, with all these strikes, the post is all over the place. I sent my friend’s birthday present to Canada very early. I was shocked at the price. It was a very light packet. My Canadian friend and I share the same birthday and are the same age!!! I agree Lindy. I just don’t feel the age I am. It doesn’t seem possible.
  • ROSY - Thank goodness that the worst of the move is over ! You can take your time with the boxes.
    LYNETTE - good to hear that Jasper is settling in. You have indeed done a lot to the house and garden this year. I find that is never ending. Now waiting for the painter for a lot of outside touching up. Plus, the fascia boards on the south facing side of the house need replacing.
    RUSTY - What a good and loyal friend you are. I hope that her arm gets better, soon. I also love ratatouille. I used to make a veggie lasagne with home made ratarouille - not done that for ages but you have reminded me .
    OG - I hope that J s arm is less painful. Sorry that he bumped into a door post. I thought that only elderly people like me did things like that ..
    LINDY - Happy extended birthday ! As for ironing - hate it and don't do much. There was a lot more when my OH was alive, seven shirts a week etc.
    ANNETTE - I said that I wasn't going to say any more about my daughter's neighbour. But she, who answers the door using two sticks, was practically running down the road recently, trying to catch her dog which had escaped. No sticks... I'm afraid that said lady is a bit of a talking point with the folk round about....and me. I must stop.

  • RUSTY Hope your Portugal holiday comes off and you have a lovely time. We have had a Portugal river cruise postponed 3 times and now expect to go in 2023.
  • Morning all:

    Typed a long reply yesterday then got distracted; never hit Post..

    Kids arrived before the crack of dawn and are now snoozing.  Will not be too sorry to wave bye-bye to dog, who got extremely excited when they arrived and I had to soothe with treats....  She is expecting a walk but I'm waiting for Ms. D to wake up and play with her.   We are having brunch here today with daughter; kids and dog will likely leave tomorrow evening to avoid Labor Day traffic on Monday.   Dare I look forward to a reasonably quiet week?

    I think anyone who is facing hardship as a result of stupid governments should access help in whatever form it takes and Heather,  I still think somebody should video that neighbor.