Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • Sam passed all of his GCSE s! Some better grades than others, he got better grades in the science subjects. I feel so proud - some on here may remember that he most likely is on what they call the autistic spectrum, these days. What I am particularly happy about is that his parents didn't go down the route of diagnosis and hence ' labelling' . Sam is just Sam ! 

  • Heather - that’s really good news and of course you are proud.
    Lynnette - that fall doesn’t sound good with all then bruising but I do like the idea of going out and celebrating in remembrance of your OH. Thanks for flipping the photo. How did you do it please?
    Lovely and sunny here so I am going to have a little potter in the garden.
  • HEATHER - just switched on - wonderful news about Sam! Congratulations!
  • Heather - Wonderful news about Sam, His parents are to be commended!

  • Thanks, folks ! I wouldn't usually mention things and all of our grandchildren are special to all of us, but Sam is extra special. He has almost always been accepted by his peers and his school teachers, it can't have been easy for them at times !
  • LYNETTE - that sounds like a nasty fall. Thank goodness, no bones broken. Glad that Jasper is coming in and out. He sounds like an expert at escaping !
  • Lynette - Perhaps you should rename Jasper Houdini! Glad he seems to know where home is. I'm sure once he knows where he can get food, and realises he is loved and secure, he will be more sociable. I had many rescue cats over the years and it took variable amounts of time for them to settle. They just have to find their own parameters. Well done for persevering with him.

    Heather - Well done, Sam! Onward and upward.

    After very little sleep last night I have walked my socks off today. A walk along the cliffs at Barton this morning - quite undulating. Then this afternoon a loooooong walk along the beach at Milford on Sea up to Hurst Castle. I'm not as young as I was ... and I am now officially 'done'!! I am promised a glass of wine shortly ... I think I've earned it!
  • You certainly have earned it, PAT !
  • That sounds like a super walk Pat. Certainly a glass of wine is in order!
    I have had a portion of the chilli I made this morning for my tea. I have to say that it is one of my better efforts (I am not one for measuring out the ingredients) The good news is that there are 5 more portions in the freezer. Blush
    I hope Lindy and her OH have arrived safely at the caravan. If the weather is anything like in my part of North Wales, it should be lovely for them to sit outside this evening.
  • We did indeed arrive alright, but after a long journey with many hold ups. Got here in the last of the sunshine, and made ten minutes to sit outside with a cuppa before putting everything away. Not many people here but sure that some will arrive tomorrow for the long weekend.

    Sorry, no replies tonight as way too tired.