Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • Well, Heather, I have tried for ages to post the above photo of my walk yesterday. When I do actual size it is the correct way up but I am not allowed to send it because it is too big. Any other size comes out sideways! So, sideways you have got!!!
    I empathise with all those who have insomnia. I remember you saying once Heather that you listened to the World Service. So do I. I have not yet resorted to cleaning my freezer at 2am (!) although I do sometimes come downstairs to make a warm drink!
    Harelady - I hope you enjoy your walk. I am glad your sister went to hospital but it is a shame she didn’t take up the offer of a faster treatment. I hope the new lot of antibiotics work.
    This morning, I went shopping and this afternoon I am going to do some batch cooking which I enjoy. I always used to do that when I was working. I then freeze each batch in small portions. It is so easy then to take out a portion and cook a few veg.
  • Beautiful, Rusty!! Thanks for posting such a calm scene. I'd love to paddle in that stream.

    We've had sudden showers. Had to pop out for milk & etc but take an umbrella 'in case'. Stayed dry long enough for me to admire a fancy white sports car in the car park. I was just sitting in my small red runabout, looking at my shop receipt (often check them), when a sporty car with a soft top drew up opposite to me. I expected a long legged young footballer to emerge but No! It was a leggy blonde girl who confidently strode towards the shop, leaving the car windows down for a gorgeous pale brown dog who leaned out to watch her go. I hoped she was just "popping in" as there have been many cases of dog theft lately. Not easy to cope when it's a warm day to leave an animal in a car.

    If I'd not been in a hurry, I might have stayed long enough to stand guard.  The young couple who lived next door to us have moved out and have let the house to another footballer, who is very quiet. Already taken in some parcels for him, though! An opportunity for my OH to go & knock on the door & meet him. (Explanation - our area is very popular with the football stars, as good schools for their children, & easy access to both motorway & airport. Not unusual to see both them and soap stars popping into shops & bars, and driving high performance cars)

    Edit: No moving date for Sue, yet. I dread the day. Her sons will help her with everything but of course I'll offer to help pack up the breakables. A cousin of my OH called to collect some plums from us the other day, and seemed equally as surprised as we were. I said that I was trying to avoid even thinking about it!

  • Heather - Thank you for the kind thoughts. Still finding sleep hard to come by, and dependent on World Service, At the moment I'm staying with friends on the south coast, opposite the Isle of Wight. We went to Mottisfont (National Trust) today and walked a lot. Later we have supper out and then a social call on some of their friends. If that doesn't give me a good night's sleep ...Lovely drive back through the New Forest - lots of ponies including one foal who managed to get the wrong side of the road from Mum and dived across right in front of us! Mum needs to teach him the Highway Code ... but of course they have right of way and my friend is a careful driver.
  • Fingers crossed for you, PAT for a good night Crescent moon
  • Just a couple of todays quotes....

    Life's a tough proposition but the first hundred years are the hardest. Wilson Mizner.

    When you're young, you want to be master of your fate and captain of your soul. When you're older, you'll settle for being master of your weight and captain of your bowling team. George Roberts.
  • Good morning everyone
    I'd like to write about he two hours of sleep that I had last night - but it it would bore you all :-)
    LINDY - it sounds as if you live in a lovely area, I'm quite jealous. I live on a bus route ( when they remember to arrive) on what used to be the unposh side of town. I'm lucky enough to have pleasant neighbours, though.
    GCSE results today for grandson Sam. His Dad doesn't think that Sam has revised enough. Sam is more interested in warplanes of WW2. I have not ( yet) reminded my darling son that he, my son, got shocking results in 5 th year and consequently had to work extremely hard in 6 th year.
  • RUSTY – Thank you for the lovely scene. I always batch cook & pack away double serves. I am trying to convince Friend, widowed earlier this year, that she can cook a batch & freeze single portions. I suspect her OH did the cooking.

    HEATHER - Pleasant neighbours are very important wherever we live. I hope g-son’s results are enough to spur him for the next stage. (I’m not sure what level GCSE is – our final school exam, year 12, is known as SACE)

    A shopping crawl this morn. Bought OH some exciting (!) underwear & t-shirts. I arrived home to find him deciding on tossing out some jackets that he never wears anymore. Off to the charity shop.

  • Good Morning. Dry here. Busy packing up again for our Welsh trip.

    Heather, it's one of those areas which has become increasingly popular, but subsequently prices of property skyrocketed which means that sadly everyone's offspring have to move away, as no "affordable" housing for starter homes. Every time they build new housing they're told by the powers that that they have to include some affordable property, so then they tuck in a couple of semis!! We know daily that we're lucky, though. Not many houses with a view of the fields as we have, as we're on the edge of town. Ours was built in the early 50s along with most of the others in the road, so it's not remarkable.