Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 August 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, peaceful week!

Thanks very much to all who posted good birthday wishes to me. My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

Take care of yourselves all. 

  • Diane: 65? Sounds young from where I sit! :-) Dare I ask if you've found a vehicle yet or are you finding you can get around well enough without one?

    Hallo to everyone else Granddaughter and Ms. D here for the weekend; have had two sort-of-normal days this week. Fingers crossed for more, though next week is full....
  • Happy Belated Birthday Diane! I hope you had a good day.

    Yesterday I drove to my Sister's In Chelmsford Essex as she has another bout of Cellulitus - this time in both legs. Both I and her Son have told her to go to the hospital as it can spread very rapidly but she wants to let the strong antibiotics she was prescribed to have a day or 2 to work. She has been hospitalised before with this. She hates hospitals and especially hates needles and drips which she had to have last time. I offered to do some housework but she had already cleaned and had no washing or ironing to do so we just sat and chated. Her Son will be going over to see her this morning.

    As always its great to read all your news and see the photos. Do have a good week and enjoy the good weather if you have it. Hopefully my part of the country - East Anglia - will get some rain tomorrow which we badly need.

  • Unknown said:
    My birthday was Friday, and I turned 65 years old. I admit that this birthday was a struggle for me. I can't seem to face the aging process with grace and acceptance. LOL

    Many happy returns!  65 isn't old ...... Limpy's older than you and is still displaying the same warped sense of humour that has kept him going for so many years now.

    You're a bit older than me, though.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Belated birthday wishes, DIANE ! Thanks for starting the week
  • Thank you Diane for starting us off again. I agree with Clare 65 isn’t old!!! Nice to see Clare by the way.
    Harelady - sorry you have the worry about your sister. I do hope the antibiotics work so that she doesn’t have to go into hospital.
    I have done the ironing, cut the grass and had a soak in the bath. The rest of the day is for relaxing plus having a nice Sunday meal - chicken today.
  • Diane - You are not old!! 65 is the new 50.....

  • Annette- that too! You are really only as old as you feel inside your head!
  • If only that were true, bjane! In my head I'm 27, but my body keeps disagreeing with my head!
  • I think 75 is the new 50, Annette! I certainly know of at least three ladies in their mid 70s who are getting on with life with complete disregard to their ages. They could easily give some 40 year olds a run for their money!

    Also, age is relative:

    I remember my great grandmother, when about 91, telling me that she said "Look at all those old people waiting for the bus!" as she marched past them on her way to church, on foot. The "old people" she referred to were all about 85!!!!