Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, joyful, and healthy week. I'm so sorry to read that so many of you or your families have contracted covid. To all of you coping with adversity of one kind or another, I wish you strength and peace. 

The moon turns full on the night of 11-12 August (depending on your location). 

  • Thank you, Lindy and Heather. Lindy, your picture made me smile. I know a few people for whom that would be very appropriate. No, I mustn't ..! Heather - I'm usually a pretty positive person but this time I'm delighted to be negative!
  • I am back from Liverpool. The house (apart from the conservatory) was relatively cool compared with the Merseyrail and bus I had just travelled on!!! We have had a super reunion. Much laughter. I will report tomorrow. Must try to summon up the energy to unpack. We walked 6 miles yesterday and 4 today in all the heat! We didn’t realise. It was just getting from one venue to the other. Then we thought that, for the grammar school class which first met in1962, we weren’t doing too badly!!!
    Hope everyone is managing to keep cool. Glad you are now negative Pat and I hope your OH coped OK at golf Lindy.
  • What a week we have had! J went to the two interviews, but is not at all well and has had to contact the docs for a sicknote. We can't do anything to help, so just have to listen to his whinging about NHS, Job Centre, potential employers, past employers - and the world in general!

    I haven't been at my computer much as OH has been too busy to move me unless absolutely necessary. He's been out at some time every day this week, shopping, giving lifts etc, but also running round house and garden like the proverbial headless chicken.

    I recovered from that cold - only two bad days followed by three almost normal days and now (I think) fully mended

    The hot weather has been very tiring - and now getting worse - so difficult to sleep or even rest - but won't grumble as it is more pleasant than rain! .Full moon was a sight to behold, and some lovely multicoloured sunsets this week too. OH is outside trying to finish power-washing the deck before we get a water warning (quite rare here, but not unknown). He will then let Ali know it is ready for the wood treatment - that will probably make the weather change!
  • The quote of the week from PAT

     I'm usually a pretty positive person but this time I'm delighted to be negative!

  • OG Glad to hear you are better. Hope J also recovers soon.
  • Good Morn ing. Happy to hear that you're now over your cold, OG. I hope that Js fortunes improve.

    Warm here already, and we prepare for yet another hot day. Not fit to be outside. My OH seems to have survived his day of golf, but I was worried about him as it was horrendously hot yesterday. 31 degrees here.

    Last night as I prepared for bed, I measured my length on the bedroom floor when I tripped over some sandals I'd just taken off - I fell sideways and grabbed the bedclothes so my fat thighs seem to have taken most of the brunt of it, and nothing was broken. Some advantages in carrying a few extra pounds! My OH came running, but only after hearing me shout for a few minutes as he was letting Bonnie out into the garden & he thought it was a noise from next door!
  • Oh dear, LINDY - it must have given you a shock. I'm glad that all seems to be OK.
    OG - poor J and poor you, also. Does he have any friends ie from church, that he could spend time with?
  • Going to Elgin for lunch with three daughters etc. I'm expecting to be told off as I took the scissors to my hair this morning ! I'll take the scissors with me and one of them can straighten it up :-)
  • Heather - There comes a time, doesn't there?!?!? I sympathise. 'They' say you should let your hair dry naturally to help keep you cool. 'They' are wrong!!! This morning I washed my fairly long hair and left it to dry. There is nothing so heat-inducing as damp long hair against the back of the neck. I will be out with the scissors within the next few days - my hair gets attacked (by me!) about three times a year and I think the time is approaching ...