LOCH GARTEN - August 2022 to end of season

July 2022 thread

Our Osprey family

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Asha (as "Mistle") fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


  • Fish at 10.05 am

    Think 1c1 clamed it

  • What wonderful video and captures, Scylla. Thank you. Words tell a good story, but there is nothing like a vid clip to explain and embilish it
    It won't be long before 1C2 takes off and leaves the nest. But I hope 1C1 doesn't get too confident, particularly in this wind.
    I have been pondering why the ringers felt 1C2 was male. They were both 1500g at ringing, which is, I think, heavy for a male, and if anything he has a darker breast than 1C1. I must check to see if they provided any wing length data.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I have to go shoping now so BBL
    don't let them fledge Ha Ha.
  • 11:53 1C2 flew up to the campost... still there, I think.

    I'm just starting the morning's trawl-thru, shouldn't be long.

  • He had two helicopters, and on the third time he landed on campost.
    12.08 he calls briefly - help!!

    12.37 he tried to find a step to get down - talons seen.  12.37 he dropped down to the nest.

    I don't believe this will be called a 'fledge'.  He didn't have a proper flight.  

    12.38 he lay down on the nest.  Whew.  That's enough for now!!

    Perhaps not.  He is tidying up the nest a bit, before dropping again.

    12.43  He is standing up, surveying moving critters on the nest, which 1C1 snoozes.

    12.49  He joins her!  Aaah.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • SheilaFE said:
    I have been pondering why the ringers felt 1C2 was male.

    So was I yesterday - Axel is more strongly marked than many males, but IC2 is even more so.

    03 August

    Early wingercising and a few helicopters when it was too dark to see who was who.

    08:13 FISH !!! !!! !!!

    Asha with bundle of "straw" that she didn't know where to put (this is pale because the more I "improve" it the longer it takes the editor to process it and I want to get on!):

    FISH !!! !!! !!! (as reported by TREVOR):

    I have to break off so will do IC2 "semi-fledge" when I get back.

  • scylla said:
    IC2 "semi-fledge"

    Also waiting to be done is 1C1's little session after 1C2 was back...

  • SheilaFE said:
    I have been pondering why the ringers felt 1C2 was male. They were both 1500g at ringing, which is, I think, heavy for a male, and if anything he has a darker breast than 1C1.

    From size and shape, I'd be much more inclined to judge that 1C1 could be a heavily-marked male Thinking 

  • All very quiet since Scylla's last post
    16.40 it's raining lightly. The hills in the distance are lost to view. The chicks are hunched. Sacha is staring out over the bog. Chicks are hungry.
    16.46 Asha flew to a lower perch on the old nest. Chicks were calling loudly
    18.41 Asha flew off and landed on the dead tree.
    20.08 chicks have been standing in a mature way, shut eys and preening. The cloud is beginning to lift from the far hills. The chicks are keeping an eye on Mum.
    20.09 Asha flewfrom the perch below the nest and landed on the stick/totem tree.
    20.53 Asha returned
    20.54 Axel landed with a small FISH which was grabbed by 1C2 (I think - I'm on my tablet). Neither Asha nor 1C1 made a real fight for the fish.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/