LOCH GARTEN - August 2022 to end of season

July 2022 thread

Our Osprey family

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Asha (as "Mistle") fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


  • My new computer arrives on Tuesday
    you know what i will be doing on Tuesday and Wednesday ?
  • trevor l said:
    My new computer arrives on Tuesday
    you know what i will be doing on Tuesday and Wednesday ?

    I'm looking forward to the low-down on it, TREVOR!

    Fish - much lightened - no need to mention it's a small one Frowning2 

    1C2 grabbed it and mantled over it, Axel hung around a bit - I haven't followed up exactly but the nest is empty now...

    Oh, better check whether 1C2 flew with fish, or KORKY will be cross:

    No.  It was about a 30-minute fish, probably a 5-minute fish in more expert talons:

  • Lovely vids and pics Scylla.  I've just been watching catchup of Axel and his really sticky stick!  More like a small bush!!  Just hasn't got the finesse of Odin and his X, marking the spot to return to!!

    12.01.26  another wee birdie.  Looks a bit like a robin, but more sleek and possibly a chestnut tail.  It looks like a youngster, with a speckled front.

    Good luck with the setting up of your computer Trevor - exciting, but frustrating times, I am sure.  I have a man that does that for me!!

    I hope Korky has a good time during her few days away.

    Here's my catchup on a day when so far not a lot has happened, and a narrative timeline to Scylla's lovely snaps and vids.

    04.52      As it gets lighter, and thru the mist, I can see an osprey on the top of the stick/totem tree.

    05.33      A second osprey landed on the top of the dead tree, and flew off within the minute.

    05.36     And back again to the dead tree….and off again.

     06.13    1C2 landed with beautiful greetings, and then calling.  Looked around for any sign of Asha or Axel with fish.

    06.16     1C2 flew from the nest.  Osprey on top of dead tree also flew.

                  Asha landed on the perch.  1C2 on the nest.  He was calling

    06.18     1C2 left and landed on the top of the stick tree.

    06.58     1C2 left the stick tree

    07.09     Asha flew from the perch

    09.29    The cloud is thinning, blue sky can be seen above the cloud.

    09.32    Asha landed, chattering away to herself as she moved some sticks out to the rim, looked around.  Calling for Axel and a fish I guess.

    09.40     Asha flew off

    10.12     Axel landed with a large shrub like stick, and spent time getting it sorted  - see Scylla's vid above


    The stick was moved around quite a bit until he was happy.

    and After

    10.19      Satisfied with his efforts he goes to the perch.  The sky is now blue.

    10.57      Axel flew over the side, back left, and disappeared.

    12.02      A wee bird on the nest, juvenile, looks a bit like a robin with a speckled front and a chestnut tail

    12.53.17  An osprey flew up and landed near the top of the dead tree                     

    12.53. 31  1C2 landed  on the nest calling, and mantling.  A bird on the dead tree flew off..  It's another hot day on the nest.

    12.55.50  1C2 lay down, looking around.  ?Intruder   He didn't call, but was wary, looking to the left. 


    14.18   1C2 landed on the nest, calling for fish.  No sign of parents.

    13.03   He gets up and looks above him for a while.

    13.14  He gives a call, checks above, another call and flew to the framework of the old nest, from where he called again.

    13.30   He flew down towards us and out of view.

    13.30.49   Another wee birdie landed on the perch and flew over to the dead tree, up and back to the perch on the dead tree.  Catching insects perhaps? I didn't get a good enough view of it to gvie a description.  It is surprising that such a small bird can be sween, once you know it is there!  It flew around the top of the tower after that and I lost it.

    14.18    1C2 landed, calling, in hope.

    14.27     1C2 spotted something, and mantled, lowered himself to the nest floor without calling.

    14.30      He still looked   anxiously around. And hasn't got up.  Where are mum and dad when you think you need them?

    14.33     1# FISH   He started calling.  Axel arrived with a fish!!!

                  Axel paused, checking around while 1C2 mantled over his fish

    14.35     Axel is in no hurry to leave..  until I type this, and he flew off. 1C2 watched his go although I couldn't see him.

    14.36      The wind suddenly got up, and 1C2 moaned about it.  Looking up and around. . He stopped calling.

    14.38     Another call.  He still hasn't started to eat the fish.  I have no idea what size it is.  Crop dropped on two occasions

    14.39      Checking the skies again.  Has a natter to  the fish,

    14.40      At last he starts tucking in to the fish, which is hidden behind Axel's recent sticky stick.

    14.59      The last of the fish has gone.  He cleans his beak - a 20 minute fish, Scylla!

    15.00      He called, cleaned his beak some more and called again.  He wants seconds!

    15.01      1C2 flew off, calling as he did so.  He is out of sight but I can still hear him.

    15.33       ENS since then although I did hear 1C2 call a few minutes ago and I can't find it now - <15.50

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • SheilaFE said:
    a 20 minute fish, Scylla!

    Thank you for the correction - it makes more sense, too Blush

    I'm taking a break.

  • 1C2 has been back and forth. Another possible intruder made him lie low, but no mantling or calling
    18.36 Asha landed on the perch
    18.39 #2 FISH  Axel landed with a fish
    18.41 1C2 coming rushing in once Axel has departed. Asha warns him to wait, and held on to the fish until she was ready she fed him.
    18.44 I'm not sure where the fish went, down tummies or lost, but by 18.44 she was cleaning her beak and he was complaining!
    It wasn't that small! She joins in the calling.
    19.19 Asha flew off.
    19.55 1C2 flew off, calling
    20.01 1C2 returned
    20.12 He flew off again
    20.24 Back again
    20.27 Lots of beasties flying around the nest, standing out against the skyline
    20.29 And off he goes again

    ENS since then

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • SheilaFE said:
    1C2 has been back and forth. Another possible intruder made him lie low, but no mantling or calling
    SheilaFE said:
    18.36 Asha landed on the perch
    18.39 Axel landed with a fish
    18.41 1C2 coming rushing in once Axel has departed. Asha warns him to wait, and held on to the fish until she was ready she fed him.
    18.44 I'm not sure where the fish went, down tummies or lost, but by 18.44 she was cleaning her beak and he was complaining!
    It wasn't that small! She joins in the calling.
    19.19 Asha flew off.
    19.55 1C2 flew off, calling
    20.01 1C2 returned
    20.12 He flew off again
    20.24 Back again
    20.27 Lots of beasties flying around the nest, standing out against the skyline
    20.29 And off he goes again

    This may or may not match your commentary, Sheila, I've only done it from my footage - which tends to jiggle by at a rate of knots Stuck out tongue winking eye 

    So... we've seen more of Axel today, if only we'd seen more fish!

    It seemed to be very tender too, so got eaten in a jiffy:

  • 14 August

    Another misty morning dawns:

  • I'm so confused I've started calling 1C2 "1C1" Frowning2

    Here was 1C2's futile screech-fest this morning:


    I'm off - SYAL Blush

  • Little birdies on the perch and nest:

    Axel brought another stick and tried to improve placing of dreadful stick he brought  yesterday:

    1C2 was on the nest/perch, waiting in vain, till after 10:00.

    10:18 Asha came and stood there calling occasionally for 10+ minutes, flew off - this isn't the best snap of her but I took it because I was imagining a ring on her ankle :-/

    1C2 has been on 'n off all day, no fish:


    1C2 is currently waiting on the nest Disappointed relieved 
