LOCH GARTEN - August 2022 to end of season

July 2022 thread

Our Osprey family

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Asha (as "Mistle") fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


  • A lovely post Bart & Korky, yes we are mad about our birds, we watch and follow all the ups and downs. Yes Bart we are also all a bit mad, but in a good way! I started to follow here maybe 8 years ago now, when our beloved EJ and Odin were the resident pair, oh my what sadness indeed when they each never returned, it was awful, I said and thought I would never follow Loch Garten again as it felt to me, at the time it would never be the same again and I am sure many felt the same. Years on here we are having watched our new resident pair Axel and Asha, 1C2 and our lovely 1C1, bless her, going through yet the same motions and having the same sadness all over again, it is what we do. This is a special nest to me and the one I follow daily. I have been to Loch Garten twice, hope to go again sometime. I follow most of the other nests but not nearly as much as here. Hopefully our pair will return next year and start the process all over again but for now we can enjoy them for a few more weeks until they leave. It is sad to see them go Bart, as we have our worries about them on their migration and return home, but believe me the 6 months pass in a flash, it will be March again before we know it. Enjoy your birding and the forum. We are a good bunch. Hugging

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Unknown said:
    Asha found an old bit of fish on the nest. Not sure how long it's been there but given the heat, there may be sore tummies tonight......

    I was checking on that, too - I think it was the remains of 1C2's tea, seen here shortly before he gave up and flew - but I can't see how it managed to get so buried:

    After the fish was disinterred and shared, 1C2 flew @ 21:49, and Asha just stood on the nest until flying @ 22:11.



    BART - What more can I say?  Welcome, have a big hug Hugging


  • 10 August

    Asha flew in to the perch @ 04:50 - at first she gave a couple of those strange crowy squawks but then started calling - and kept on calling.  She's still there.

  • I think Kael Stuck out tongue winking eye is still around:

  • IC2 flew in to screech for fish with Asha:

    It didn't come to anything and 1C2 flew:

    Even tho the lens has been cleaned it's extremely difficult to make out anything or anyone on the nest when the sun's in the "wrong" position. 

    1C2 has returned and it screeching but not incessantly.

  • 1C2 is on the nest waiting for a fish (at least, I don't think there's been one yet but SHEILA may check)...

    I'm off till later Kissing heart

  • I love the heartfelt comments of Bart, Korky and Catlady yesterday.  I found LG back in 2007/8 and really followed it in 2008, so saw the end of the era of Henry and OVS, and the rise of Odin, the new lad on the block, and boy have we had our ups and downs since then with tears and laughter.  And still I come back for more.  I moved to Arkaig when Lonesome Louis was looking for a mate when we also had first time breeders not knowing what they were doing.  And also Glaslyn became a favourite when Aran appeared - I also visited, and found everyone so welcoming. Gail was there talking about the early stages of Operation Jimmy.

    I have 'met' so many like minded folk here.  It has been a joy, with a few downs!

    Back to today.  Looking at the sun rise with Asha on the nest, having dropped from the perch, for one heart wrenching moment I thought "it's EJ".  It was her stance and the dark feathers up to her throat.  Scylla's snip kicked that off.


    EJ - 2017


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • No fish delivery so far.

    Here's my update so far.  One intruder possibly twice, possibly AL5 again.  I can't ID the ring, but my best bet would be him, as yesterday, his intrusions aren't aggressive.

    04.50      Asha landed on the perch, and began calling gently – for her chicks?

    05.25      She dropped to the nest, half mantling and calling.  Friend or foe

                    She so reminded me of EJ with her dark front rising under her chin

    05.47      1C2 joined her, calling for fish.

    06.09        C2 flew off.  Asha remained

    06.21        1C2 returned calling

    06.54        1C2 flew to the left and landed on Odin's perch

    07.26        Asha started calling and prowling the nest.  1C2 could be heard calling, and he flew to the nest

    07.30        1C2 flew off to the left.  Asha remains

    08.02        Asha flew to the top of the dead tree

    08.03        1C2 landed on the nest, calling.

    08.34        Having yelled since 08.03 1C2 flew off the nest.        Asha remained on the top of the dead tree

    08.55        Asha flew to the perch, followed by 1C2 who landed on the nest, and moaned again.

    08.57        Asha mantled and dropped to the nest with 1C2.

    08.58        Axel arrived, with a stick!  I did wonder whether it was KL5, but chat said it was Axel.  He flew

    09.13        Since his departure, Asha and 1C2 have been reminding Axel that fish are required

    09.21        Both are quiet, with 1C2 now lying down.

    09.22        I spoke too soon, 1C2 is half up, and calling.

    09.23        Asha has flown.  1C2 is flying down, and is quiet

    09.25        He get up, and flies off with a call.  I can't see either on the far perches.

    09.40.54     Intruder   1C2's call can be heard.  Someone lands on the dead tree.  Another osprey flies down to and over the osprey on the dead tree – later IDd as 1C2

    09.41.17     Another fly pass over the osprey on the dead tree.  That osprey flapped it wings madly.  Intruding osprey didn't land, but flew on.

    09.41.30     1C2 left the dead tree and landed on the nest, calling and mantling.  Intruder not in sight at the moment

    09.42.47    Intruder flew to, then over the nest.  Possibly it was going to land, having been sort of welcomed by 1C1.  1C2 mantles and calls loudly, and the intruder flew to and landed on the top of the dead tree.  1C1 continues to mantle and call.

    09.45.50    Intruder left the dead tree.  Although quiet 1C1 stands low in the nest watching.

    09.47          The intruder must have flown on.  1C1 is up and no longer mantling.

    09.50.47      1C1 calls again, and mantles.

    09.51.17      Intruder flew over the nest, then attempted to land twice.  1C1 flapped it away.

                        Definitely blue ring, left leg. – I've looked thru it at least four times, and in slomo, but there is a glitch in transmission and I can't read it.  Is it KL5 again?

    09.53          1C2 is still calling.  Is the intruder still around, but out of sight


    09.59            1C2 is still calling.  Not so much intruder, as where's my fish, angrily.  Oh, perhaps slight mangle?  I wonder it the intruder if on a perch 'behind, to the side of us'?

    10.00            He really doesn't know whether to mantle of not.  Looking intently first to the bottom right then behind us.    I have no idea!  Need feet on ground or the friendly VC to report occasionally….?

    10.05            Peace, to attend to feathers.

    10.23             He flew off.  It really is a beautiful day at LG today.  Blue sky and a gentle breeze.

    11.41             Still no sign of anyone.  

    ENS since 10.23

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 11,56.53 1C2 is back. Keeping an eye on the sky above. Checked the nest floor, looked around.
    12.02.21 He flew off.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 12.37  #1 FISH  from Asha.  1C2 was very keen to have the fish!!

    It's MINE

    He's learned to call and call as he eats, warning Asha to stay back.  Asha remains on the nest.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/