LOCH GARTEN - August 2022 to end of season

July 2022 thread

Our Osprey family

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Asha (as "Mistle") fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


  • I don't recall seeing that interactive tracking for individual tagged ospreys!  Brilliant, but sad memories. (quote by Scylla)

    Those were created more recently. The original tracks were on Google Earth. 


  • Morning Scylla
    Like watching paint dry
    The computer` Still finding my way round but better than what i had
    Roll on bird cam
  • scylla said:
    I didn't know the "biologiical" term but have always accepted that very few young ospreys fish before migration  - which is why Axel's under-performance has been such a worry.  Therefore the mental image of 1C2 tripping around the north of Scotland and finding his fishing feet and building himself up over the next couple of weeks... is what I've settled on

    Yes but the point that seems impossible to get over is that when a young osprey leaves on migration it does not fish either. For some reason they have an urge to fly as far as possible until they run out of resources. It is then that they stop and learn to fish and build up their resources again. In the case of Rothiemurchus  his first stopover was 34 days but stops can last even longer.

    So if we translate that to 1C2  he is gone 2 days. He will most likely be flying through the north of England. Sooner or later he will decide he needs to stop and stock up again having  used his meagre inheritance.

    So all those people looking for young ospreys fishing should be looking out for him. 

  • Hazel b said:
    Yes but the point that seems impossible to get over is that when a young osprey leaves on migration

    But my decision in the case of 1C2 is that he's too young to have the urge to migrate and if he even tried to he wouldn't get far, due to lack of strength and skill - so I'm keeping him in the north of Scotland for a couple of weeks, for my own emotional wellbeing!

    Still no-one seen this morning, as TREVOR indicated, I'll see y'all later, goodnight!

  • Thank you Bart, what a brilliant photo.

    In response to a query on the Twitter post, Chrissie W replied that the photo was taken at Rochiemurchas....taken on 7 August.

    My report on 7 August explains all.  It was the day that KL5 stayed with 1C1 on the nest.  

    09.49 #1 FISH from Axel.  It's a headless whopper.  Axel hung on to it and started to eat, but not feeding 1C1.  She calls, waiting for an offering.  There was no sign f Asha or 1C2.  1C1 tried to take food from Axel's beak, but he ignored her, but she might have got a morsel from him.

    10.02 Axel departed with his fish.  1C1 looked to the floor - dropped bits?  She calls pathetically.

    10.41 She calls excitedly.... but it is 1C2 who lands on the perch and then joins her on the nest and calls too!

    10.48 She lay down, calling.  Then stood up, hunched, looking down.

    11.25 Both get up quickly and start to call.  Axel had returned with #1 FISH  1C2 claimed it immediately and had a brutal sharp vicious attack on 1C1.  Axel flew off, and 1C2's attention turned to the fish.  1C1 stood on the near side, cowering initially, but remained with her back to 1C2.  Oh dear.  1C2 needs mum to help.  The skin is tough to get through.  He gets in a paddy as he can't release the fish from his talons.  Success, and get gets dried grass and small twigs caught up with the fish.  He finds the guts are he easiest bits to attack.  By 11.44 he's not making much headway and he tries the tail end.  That doesn't work, so he tried the fin along the body, but has his foot on the flesh head end and just doesn't see the easiest way to get in.

    11.51  #2 FISH  Asha arrives with he second fish.  Another whopper.  She spots Axel's fish, which 1C2 continues to tackle.  When she got too close to him he had a go at her had and mantled over the 'his' fish.  Asha seems confused.  She kept looking at #1 fish and ignoring a hungry 1C1 who is now up close to her and calling.  1C1 tried to feed herself from #2 fish, now abandoned by Asha, but really has no success.  1C1 leaves #2 fish and tries to get closer to 1C2 in the hope he might feed her.  He flaps his wings and acts aggressively towards her.  She backs off and returned to #2 fish.  Asha does nothing.  I think it was a whole fish so it was difficult to get into.

    12.03 1C1 seems to be having more success, but not as much as she would if mum fed her.  Asha just looks out at the scenery.

    12.09 1C1 gives up, leaves the fish and moves over by Asha, possibly in the hope she would feed her.  Meanwhile 1C2 is making good inroads into #1 fish.

    12.25 1C1 goes down on her haunches.  Asha cautiously approached 1C2 and #2 fish which she took.  She took  a few bites and then fed 1C2!!!!1C1 called.  1C1 shut her eyes and when Asha offered some fish she didn't see it

    12.38 1C1 lowered her head, possibly her beak on thee floor.  She must have dropped off.  She was being moved by the wind, rocking her gently.  She tried to rouse at 12.46, but her head fell again as though she was just sooo tired. 

    12.54 1C2 flew off having had a good feed.  A few minutes later the tail end of #1 fish disappeared down Asha's gullet and she moved on to 'her' #2 fish.  1C1 started to call, but Asha ignored her and fed herself.

    13.03 Asha flew off the #2 fish without feeding 1C1, who was left alone, calling pathetically.  13.13 1C1 had a short wingercise, but nothing vigorous and a jump across th nst.

    13.13 Asha returned with #2 fish.  Perhaps she needed a comfort break.  Asha did eventually start to feed 1C1 at last.  But seemed to stop feeding her by 13.19  At least 1C1 had eaten something.  It was difficult to see - 1C1 was standing with her back to us, and in front of Asha, so more might have passed to her.

    13.27 Piggy 1C2 returned for seconds.  1C1 had already stopped feeding, but was watching.  I am not sure whether it was in hope or interest.

    13.49 Asha was feeding herself again.  1C1 had turned away, standing with her head hanging down again.  1C2 wasn't quite as interested, but doesn't stop completely.

    14.16 Asha departed, with a still substantial piece of fish which caught on two sticks which were left hanging precariously over the edge.  1C2 followed her.  14.19 Asha returned - had she dropped the fish?  She was looking around possibly for it.

    15.40 Asha flew off - she had the fish remains in her talons!!  1C1 was left snoozing again.  It wasn't until 16.10 she stood up for a bit.

    16.18  Asha returned with the fish.  She waited for 1C2 to return.  It wasn't long and she started to feed them.  1C1 in pole position and 1C2 calling loudly!

    I stopped writing here.  It doesn't make easy reading in retrospect.  It was really so odd that Asha didn't feed 1C1 at all and that she had left 1C1 alone, so that when Axel landed with his fish there was no one for him to hand it over to.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I think no one can read it without tears yet or ever. Those last days are still vivid in my mind’s eye Cry.

    It’s also strange to realise only 2 weeks have passed and everyone is gone.. it’s all so sudden and little new happy memories to replace those of 1c1’s demise. And maybe 1c1 deserves that too. Not soon forgotten, but forever loved in our memories
  • So true Bart, we wait in anticipation with bated breath to see who is going to arrive and when. We follow the couple and again wait to see if eggs are going to be laid, then wait again until that 1st bobblehead appears, it is so exciting but at the same time nerve racking, what will happen, then another hatches, we watch them grow and learn until they are no longer babies but teenagers and we again watch them strengthen their wings until they fledge and only have fleeting visits to the nest to get fed and in a flash, mum, chicks, dad are gone, (well not here this year, as dad decided to leave before the chick, we think so anyway) and that is it, season over. 7 months of waiting, it seems forever, they return and the next 5 months dissappear so quickly.

    It was such an exciting time this year for all, after many years of upset and sadness, when the pair came back, were named Asha and Axel, bred and raised two beautiful Osprey chicks. We had such sadness when we lost our lovely, quiet, gentle 1C1, she was a special little bird. She will never be forgotten.

    I hope Axel and Asha have a safe migration, take the rest they need and that they will return to us next year for another successful season. Maybe our intruder will appear and there will be some competition! I hope 1C2 has a safe migration also and a good and long life, it is all new to him, it would be good if we get reports of sightings and you never know, in a few years we may see him back at his birth nest, trying to take it over!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.