MANTON BAY - AUGUST 2022 to end of FEBRUARY 2023

Continued from Manton Bay July 2022 

Details about the Manton Bay nest can be found on the season’s opening post 

The season so far:  Maya returned 15 March @ 10:21 & Blue 33(11) on 21 March @ 17:29.  Egg #1 laid 31 March @ c 23:30 & hatched 09 May @ 23:02, Egg #2 laid 03 April @ 18:31 & hatched 10 May @ 12:30 and Egg #3 laid 06 April @ 20:30 & hatched 12 May @ 08:24.  On 20 June the chicks were ringed with their unique blue darvics.  Chick #1 was fitted with 1H1, #2 with 1H2 and #3 with 1H3.  All chicks were females and their biometric data can be found here.  1H1 fledged on 2 July @ 05:34, 1H3 on 3 July @ 12:09 and 1H2 on 4 July @ 09:06. 

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • 15:01  FISH

    snatched by 1H1

    33 flies off as 1H1 protects her fish

    and then she takes off with the fish

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Hi LAM, sorry for delay replying but have only just noticed your post on the previous page.   Yes, 33 is a stunner and agree, the adults are looking very well this season which is lovely to see.  

    It will be interesting how long 33 and Maya stay on for after 1H1 leaves but she doesn't appear to be in any hurry to go - yes, she knows where she is well off lol

    And talking of being well fed, she is back on the nest just now shouting for more fish!

    As I type, 16:26, she has flown.

    Last post from me for the evening as I'm now off out.   Catch up tomorrow - BFN

  • Hello Karen how funny that as you are typing 1H1 is back on the nest yelling for more food!
    Well I hope they stay a bit longer so we can get back to see some of them at least!
    See you again soon you deserve a night off :-) Have a lovely evening!
  • I take that as a special request ;-)

    33 spend more than 15 minutes on the nest.. chirping in the beginnen, half asleep at the end in the I could make a vid of him in close-up..

    (this is not a yt video.. so I hope this works)

  • Morning ALL

    05:32   1H1, as we have come to expect, is first to arrive on the nest and is fish calling

    06:20   She returns after only having stayed a few minutes earlier

    06:38  And back - still calling

    07:35 (present) still calling

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • BART - what a super video - thanks very much for posting. I always think it is nice to see some captures and videos of 33, our "super osprey".

    Tiger a few years back started up a special thread for 33 - I must try and find the link.

    Edit:  Here is the link to Blue 33's own thread -  Blue 33 - An osprey superstar 

  • LAM - fingers crossed the family are still here when you visit next week.

    I wonder if 1H1 is feeling a bit lonely without her siblings around or just loving the fact of no competition for fish lol
  • 08:14  FISH

    1H1 backs getting ready to receive her fish as 33 approaches

    33 flies off and 1H1 tucks in

    08:20  1H1 mantles then drags the fish over the nest, wings flapping

    and then flies off with the fish

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust


    off for a bit now - SYL

  • Morning Karen and All
    Thank you very much for the link to Super Osprey 33 what a lovely picture of him at ringing..... Awww
    Little did we know then just how fantastic this bird would be!
    The close up picture of 1H1 is also stunning thank you.
    Fingers crossed yes Karen in hope they are still there as it's not looking promising for 1H3 bet Rutland will post something today if they haven't seen her in the bay!