WEEKLY CHAT (Non-0sprey) SUNDAY JULY 24, 2022

Hallo all.   It's been a busy week getting organized for family, due here if not tomorrow late afternoon then early Monday morning.   Granddaughter had rented an RV for the trip so she could bring some of daughter's things she'll need for her new place here; went to pick it up this morning, spent all morning doing a walk-through with the owner only to have the generator for the a/c fail before she even drove it away.  Lots of frustration at that end of the freeway, so now they're supposed to pick one up tomorrow (at least that's the last I heard).  Anyway, I've been sorting through the fridge and doing a lot of laundry and house-cleaning plus tidying up the garden as best I could.  Am getting take-out tonight and have a nice Pinot Grigio chilling in the fridge.

Meanwhile, my sister seems to be on a fairly steady decline now with the hospice team giving us a two-week prognosis.....  I so wish I could be back there with my BiL and niece.  The Arizona trio put off their trip for 2 weeks because I was gone, and now it seems everything will be happening at the same time anyway...

Thanks all for posts - I really have read them all.  And thank you Lindybird for the flower show pix.  I really liked the arrangement outside the sales office.  :-)

  • Good Morning. Sun trying to make an appearance here - we intend to do little after the rush to get ourselves here yesterday. Enjoyed watching the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony last night which we thought was well done.

    AQ - It's been a bit hectic then, but now its done. Good that you passed the glaucoma test.
  • Quotes --

    If you wish to live long, you must be willing to grow old. George Lawton.

    The young feel tired at the end of an action; the old at the beginning. T S Eliot.
  • Quotes --

    If you wish to live long, you must be willing to grow old. George Lawton.

    The young feel tired at the end of an action; the old at the beginning. T S Eliot.
  • It is dull and overcast here and feels as if there could be a storm although it is not forecast. Went shopping in the local town this morning. Unlike the other day, I only met one person to chat to!!! Shocking!!!!!!
    Had a couple of nice long phone calls, pottered in the garden for about an hour and read my book this afternoon. Very pleasant.
  • Very quiet day here, too warm for me but I hope that those who like it are enjoying it!
    I heard on Radio 4 this morning, on the Farming programme, that farmers and crofters in the West Highlands and islands are calling for a cull.of sea eagles because they are taking a lot of new born lambs.
  • Had a pleasant, lazy day, although my OH cleaned the car and mended a couple of things which needed attention. I wiped down our railings which have bird poo on them where they like to perch. The sun went behind the banks of cloud this morning, but came out this afternoon and it was very warm. My OH dozed, and read his book, and I slept on the sofa for half an hour, then read some newspapers we brought with us.

    This afternoon I managed to shut my thumb in a metal door, not recomended! I managed not to draw blood but crushed it nicely - ouch!

    Heather, that's sad about the sea eagles being accused of taking lambs which I'm sure is not true, they probably only take one or two.

  • Hello all. Went down to Oxford on Wednesday for the procedure. We set off at 6am and were down there for 7.10am. This went well although I found it very uncomfortable lying flat on my back. The team were very patient with me and managed in the end to carry it out. Conclusions were not what they might have been hoping for and will collate figuers etc and liase with the Doctor concerned and Northampton GH and try and come up with a plan. They inferred that my case was complex. So I await their findings and in the meantime have now had an appointment throuch for the Chest clinic for Aug 20th so will see what they have to say. I am away for the next two weekends and hope to goodness I don't get symptoms of the c20 problem in the meantime. Thanks for your support.

    Hope all of you are coping with the warm, cloudy, sunny, showery weather that we have been having and that all your problems will be solved. Did watch the Opening ceremony of the Commonwealth games and really enjoyed it except for the finale which I thought a bit week.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • Lynette: Hope things won't be as complex as they initially appear. Always good to see you.

    Hallo to everyone else. Absolutely shattered this evening after a busy day - even Ms. D has conked out early. Granddaughter made it safely back to AZ and will be heading back this way tomorrow with her Mom's favorite reclining chair. Now all we need to do is figure out how to get it to its final destination........

  • Our neighbours lilies are beautiful again..  . Rain here, in the night, and its raining now though not heavily.

    Lynette, glad you finally got to have your appointment - hope they can solve the mystery!

    Annette, please try and rest between bouts of activity!

    Diane, hope you're not having too many techy issues.

  • Those lilies are beautiful Lindy. Nice that you can enjoy them too.
    Annette - as Lindy says. Do remember to rest too, I can imagine there is lots to do though.
    Lynnette - sorry to hear that your case might be complex. At least you are having all these tests and, hopefully, they will help to get to the bottom of things. Glad you are able to get away for a couple of weekends (virus permitting)
    I am having a pleasant weekend at home. I have a list of jobs which I am working through but in my own time. Ironing next which is not my favourite!!!