Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, July 17 2022

Hope everyone has a good week.  Will catch up later.

  • OG - 'They' say curries are good in the heat - well, it's usually hot in India, so 'they' are probably right! Enjoy!!

    Temperature now up to 35 degrees and still rising. Now sitting in my (currently ...) cool lounge with windows and curtains closed, drinking gallons - already on my second litre of water of the day - and catching up on watching programmes I have recorded. A good opportunity! It will get hotter this afternoon as the sun moves round to glare straight on this side of the house - but unless I sit on the loo, there is nowhere to sit on what will then be the 'cool' side!

    Hope everyone is coping. Things are starting to cool down overnight, and I am hoping to go to Wakehurst tomorrow with a friend. Then a long drive to see the family on Thursday, so very much hoping temperatures will be a bit more manageable by then. We're just not used to it. I saw some American tourists on television last night saying they were fine and didn't know what Brits were moaning about! But then we wouldn't be British if we didn't moan about the weather, whatever it does, would we?!?!?
  • You're right PAT - it's a national characteristic. Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry.....
  • We've had something like 37 degrees here. I can't go upstairs as all the heat rises, and its like an oven! Sitting in our coolest room (lounge) with a big floor fan and a small personal fan, both on. Bonnie sprawled on a chair, she must feel hot.

    My OH returned from golf at 10.00 am, after playing 14 holes - they all felt weary and decided to call it a day. Since then he's split time between sitting with me and sitting in the garden under a big umbrella.

    Can see there have been several big fires in London caused by the excessive heat there.
  • 40.2 degrees at Heathrow Airport today.
  • All: I've seen the news about the record heat in the U.K. I hope you all stay safe and hydrated. Sit in front of the fan and watch TV, my friends!

  • My brother and sis in law are sheltering inside their house in Central Brittany. 42 degrees and shutters closed etc. My poor sis in law,tried to create an English cottage garden, there. They have over an acre of garden. I think that it has just occurred to them that they should have looked around at their neighbours gardens to see what thrives there. I feel so sorry for them. Hydrangeas have dried up, roses are very stressed, etc.
  • Thanks OG. I managed to park very easily at the hospital today. The doctor was pleased with my friend’s X-ray and wants her to have another one next week. When I took her home she produced a blackcurrant cake which a friend had made for her. Weird colour but very tasty! The best part of this hot day was travelling to and from the hospital in my air conditioned car!!!!!
    Lindy - glad your OH came home early from golf. I know you were worried about him.
    It sounds as if everyone is looking forward to the cooler weather tomorrow.
  • Thanks OG. I managed to park very easily at the hospital today. The doctor was pleased with my friend’s X-ray and wants her to have another one next week. When I took her home she produced a blackcurrant cake which a friend had made for her. Weird colour but very tasty! The best part of this hot day was travelling to and from the hospital in my air conditioned car!!!!!
    Lindy - glad your OH came home early from golf. I know you were worried about him.
    It sounds as if everyone is looking forward to the cooler weather tomorrow.
  • Ooops. Sorry for the double post. I got a bit frustrated as I kept getting the orange message about there being an error. Then it said I was offline (which I wasn’t) Hey ho!!!
  • Glad things went well for you and your friend, Rusty.

    Good Morning. Blessedly cooler this morning, after a hot night in our warm bedroom. I think if I'd known how long it took to cool down, I would've slept downstairs!

    Hoping for a more normal day today as we've got nothing done here three days!