Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, July 17 2022

Hope everyone has a good week.  Will catch up later.

  • Finally got on. I get that orange message too Heather.
    I am melting here!!! I live near what was the hottest place in the UK yesterday!!!
    I have just been out in the garden which feels mercifully cooler now. My bedroom is like a sauna!!!
    I have to take my friend who had the car accident back to orthopaedics tomorrow afternoon. I will drop her off by the main door at the hospital but parking is a nightmare. I expect I will be a long way away and will have quite a walk to get back to her. I will take my hat OG!!! I do hope her broken bone is still set properly and that no further manipulation is required.
  • Can't believe the temperatures in the UK. Stay hydrated everyone.
  • Hi all. Thank you Annette for starting us off and glad to see Diane finally made it on after computer trouble.

    Annette - Just been reading your post, you have done as much as you can. Maybe your sister could go into a hospice when the time is right even for respite care to give your BiL a break. Obviously that is up to the family to decide. Prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Just been reading through all the other posts. See the hot weather is hitting almost the whole of the UK. Restless last night and could be again tonight given the temperature now. I'm afraid I do a couple of jobs when I get up, have breakfast and then chill for most of the day with this heat. Son rang me up this afternoon to ask if I was drinking enough . I'm trying too.

    Take care all of you with this blistering heat , at least they say its going to ease a little by Wednesday.
  • It's 6.15am here, and already 31 degrees. Not planning on doing very much today.

    Take care, everyone. Keep drinking plenty of water. Shut the windows, draw the curtains. Imagine how it feels to chill out!
  • Had a hot night, but managed to sleep. They're talking on TV about the heatwave in 1976 -- I remember putting my Eldest out in the garden as a baby, and making sure he had some shade. But it was remarkable at the time for the length of the dry spell, which went on for weeks. Our lawns were all brown & no watering was allowed!

    Hope everyone manages to keep cool today- it should be the last day of this heat.

    It was about 36 degrees here yesterday, hottest ever.

  • It was indeed hot last night Lindy. Didn’t sleep much.
    Going out to do the watering soon. Not going to do much this morning prior to taking my friend to her hospital appointment this afternoon.
  • In 1976 I was living in Devon, near Dartmoor. We had a hosepipe ban and the grass was brown. However, late at night we could hear neighbours watering their back gardens ! Obviously, they didn't water the front garden for fear of being found out. Well, we ended up with water being cut off and having to take containers to a standpipe, which if I remember correctly was opened twice a day. I remember throwing washing up water etc on the vegetable patch.
  • Just after I wrote my earlier post my computer dropped the temperature to 21 degrees! Can't trust the technology! It's now up to 26 degrees and after an hour sitting in the cool garden I need to 'do' a few things before retreating out there again for another brief spell before the sun comes round the corner. I remember 1976 as well - I was living in London and cycling everywhere. Living in Camden Town and working at the BBC - lovely going downhill to work, but really hard work going home uphill! I used to cycle through Regents Park, where the grass was brown and crunchy.
  • Our TV news showing people UpOver “baking” themselves on beaches – last place to be in your heat. Do stay watered and keep indoors as much as possible. As a child on the farm in summer my cool spot was the bathroom floor with a book of course! I’ve no idea how my mother coped; she had a coke stove.

    I have been busy today culling photos and preparing others of the Little People to give to Dau. Last CD I gave her was in 2018 so it has been a marathon.

  • Ooh! Suddenly a whole crop of posts since yesterday – must read.

    DIBNLIB – quite right – keep Benson off hot pavements except in very early morning or late night. Our neighbours walked without their dog yesterday, but there were some out and about during the day – ouch!

    RUSTY - hope your friend has a good fracture report and that your helpfulness is rewarded by easy parking!

    LYNETTE – no news yet? I hope you have fans at home to keep cooler – and yes, your son is right, you must drink plenty – preferably water. I like my water chilled (have a chiller tap) but “they” say we shouldn’t have it too cold.

    LINDA – left the duvet off right from the start last night – woke up a few times, but mostly comfortable as I was. We still have a little breeze, but the air which is moving is still hot.

    AQ – I have to work on photos again, but can’t seem to sit still long enough! Cleaner showed me some of her Grandkids on her phone yesterday, and I had to say “mine are somewhere on my computer”!

    Why had I planned a curry for dinner today? Only a korma, so not too bad, and it could be cooler by dinner time!