Weekly Chat (non-osprey) Sunday, July 17 2022

Hope everyone has a good week.  Will catch up later.

  • We've had a bearable day: it got hot very slowly and even then, we had a lot of cloud which stopped the sun from blasting itself down on us. Also a light breeze, so my OH has spent most of the day in a chair under the big umbrella in the garden.

    I've been mostly in our coolest room. We shut all the blinds, curtains and windows to keep the warm air out and it seems to have worked. Temperature outside is apparently 31 degrees but I've not suffered at all. Not looking forward to trying to sleep, though!

    Glad you're all alright, OG.

  • I have struggled to get on here today. Site has been very slow for me. I have read all the news and will try to reply tomorrow.
    I managed to get round all 18 holes at golf yesterday. I walked round under my umbrella and stood under the trees when I could. I took lots of water. There were drinks and cakes at the 9th hole and, for the first time ever, the junior professional was driving round in a buggy giving us bottles of iced water. I was nearer the bottom than the top in the results but I was glad I went and took part.
    I have managed to keep reasonably cool indoors today and have just had 20 minutes in my nice cool garden. Like you Lindy, I do wonder about sleeping though.
  • I hope that everyone is OK -
    I agree, this site has been slow for days. I keep getting the orange message telling me that an administrator will look at the problem.
    Not too hot here, had the family for dinner yesterday. Well, they brought the food and cooked it ! Roast beef and all the trimmings.
    Thank you for all the chat and news !
  • Lindy, I had to chuckle at your cartoon. Don't think it's suitable for the Church Newsletter, though!

    Just about reached 30 degrees here, at 11.00am. I have just come in from the garden, having been sitting outside since 7.15am. I took the computer outside and had my weekly Skype chat with my friend in Australia, then pottered around sorting out my bird bath, moving it to a more sheltered place where hopefully they can both drink and bathe. Then sat and read until the sun crept round the side of the house. Now sitting in my (so far!) cool lounge with the curtains closed as the temperature rises. Already half-way down my second litre of water of the day. I have cancelled my normal Monday afternoon meeting and have no intention of going anywhere or doing anything much for the rest of the day. And tomorrow. Hope everyone is coping with the temperature. Do take care.
  • RUSTY - good to see that your golf day went well - with all the keep-cool precautions in place.

    HEATHER - good to see you had one of your family dinners - hope everyone is well.

    Breakfast time temp here was 29 degrees. Surrounded by fans and open windows while catching up on correspondence. Had a phone chat with second daughter yesterday - first thing she said was "Wear a hat", as there have been reminders to make sure the elderly wear hats in the sun - which I do. Daughter#1 is in Paris - taken by GDau#2.

    Take care, ALL!
  • I think it is caller here than the rest of the UK, Nevertheless we won't be giving Benson another walk till much later. Hope everyone is managing without too much discomfort. LINDY How is your OH? I haven't been on the site much but think he is having some health tests. Hope all goes well.
  • Thank you, dibnlib. He is feeling better, he says, but I shall be happier after we hear the results & they decide why he's been feeling the way he has (won't go into the details) and there might be a solution. I suspect he felt "not right" long before we left on the cruise, but he didn't want to fuss. I shall also be happier if he doesn't go to golf tomorrow - a friend just rang up and cancelled after seeing the latest forecast.

    I've found the Site awkward of late, and harder to get onto, but it might just be because there's a lot of activity at this time of year.
  • Today's quotes:

    Wrinkles are the ditches that the gods have dug for our tears.

    Middle age is when you have a choice of two temptations and you choose the one that will get you home earlier.