Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • I chuckled at the joke Lindy. I do hope all the tests reach some conclusion about your OH. You must be worried.
    Given that it is also cloudy here and forecast to reach just 22 degrees, I am going to play golf as it is Lady Captains Day and I feel I should support her. (Don’t expect reports of any spectacular result on my part as I haven’t played regularly enough this summer!!!!) I will get home in time to watch most of the later rounds of the Open hopefully.
    Hope everyone has a good day and manages to keep cool.
  • OG I agree. Peter Aliss was a joy to listen to and when Sam Torrance was commentating as well it was just a match made in heaven.

    RUSTY Do try to visit St Andrews. It is a lovely wee town, but be warned, parking is a nightmare.
  • Hello to all - interested in everyone's views on "clearing your clutter". Still desperately trying to downsize for our move.
    Relieved to know that most of you are as bad (or good) as I am at keeping things under control!

    Pat - I had to read what you said very carefully. I don't think I could keep that system up. Do I take that to mean that on 31st, you find 31 things to dispose of. That may take some time (even in pairs). I always think of OG when I start 'flinging'. I knew that she would never approve of my collections!

    Things have considerably slowed up this week as my OH has been in the stroke unit of a London hospital again with another TIA. It was very scary. This was the worst one he has had. Fortunately, he is home again now and slowly recovering. I could have done without people ringing my doorbell when the ambulance was here, complaining about blocking the car park entrance.
    Thankfully, our daughter took over the legal "stuff" for our house move, which seems endless.

    Thinking of Annette, Lindy's OH and everyone else with health problems.
  • Lynette - hope you eventually get your hospital appointment
  • Yes, Rosy - 31 items have to go on 31 of the month. And it's not easy! I completed it once, some years ago, in January. The next/last time I did it I think I got to around 15 of the month and ran out of things I could do without! I have a large collection of sheet music from when I used to play the piano - I think that may be in danger! I do hope your OH makes a good recovery and doesn't have any further problems. How inconsiderate of people to complain about the ambulance ... the paramedics do a wonderful job, particularly in an emergency like your OH's situation. But of course people do need to be able to move their cars ... difficult. I'm sure the paramedics have seen it all before.

    Had a lovely walk this morning which was mostly shady with only short stretches of 'exposed' ground. Then we sat in the shade in the garden and ate ice cream. And all before the heat was at its height. Don't think I'll get away with being out of the sun tomorrow, though. I have cancelled everything for Monday and Tuesday, having heard the scary advice. I think we all need to take things gently over the next few days. I have a long drive on Thursday and hope everything cools down before then. Take care, everyone.
  • Well, I might have to rethink my ideas of getting rid of stuff ! My mums12 setting dinner service is Spode, Chinese Rose. Much treasured in our family. Eldest daughter and her in laws are renting a house up here for a weeks holiday. . I can't do pics but if you look up Drumblair House you'll see it. Anyway, the china that I cherish is there, many many plates, all sizes, cups saucers etc. All there for renters to use and maybe break !

    My son has just rebuked me. He says that the china is a precious memory of his childhood and monetary value is irrelverent. Of course he is right. 

  • Heather-sometimes sentiment must win!