Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • A lot of glassware and china here. I have my mum's dinner service which is not going anywhere until I fall off my perch ! I only use it at Christmas...There's a load of Crystal glasses which were here when I moved in. I've passed a lot of stuff on to OHs son but they also have a lot of stuff - it was the ' thing' to give crystal as wedding presents at one time !
    I cannot in all conscience dispose of things which I don't really feel belong to me. Fortunately, my kitchen cupboards are not too full. I rarely bake, these days, but the older granddaughters are keen, so have relieved me of a lot of stuff.
    We've just had a rain shower here - lovely !
  • PS - LINDY - is it the heat that is bothering Sues dog at night ?
  • Good morning, all. Had a lovely time at Chartwell yesterday. Although it was hot, there was a pleasant breeze most of the time, and every now and then the cloud came over and it cooled down temporarily. We went into the house, which was cool - I've 'done' it many times, but there's always something I haven't noticed before. Had our picnic lunch on a high terrace where there was a decent breeze, but it got very hot after about half an hour. Then we walked around the gardens, smelled the roses (beautiful!) and walked round the lake, which I haven't done before. A super three hours. Then home for ice cream and golf. Good to see Rory playing well. Hope it continues for the next three days. Wish they wouldn't spend so much time on Tiger ... Been watching this morning and yes, it was raining quite hard earlier, and apparently very cold. It seems to have warmed up a bit and some of the players are now in short sleeves.

    I'm afraid I'm a hoarder. Hate throwing things out. On a couple of occasions I have a 'month's declutter' which involves getting rid of one thing on the first of the month, two on the second and so on. This can remove more than five hundred items from your home over the month. They don't have to be big things - the first time I did it I got rid of loads of spice jars which I never used, or books, or plates. I now need to do it again - where does all the stuff' come from?!?!? But I'm not sure there are actually five hundred things I could do without ... perhaps I'll start with a week and see how I go. Not sure I can wait until February to save myself a few days. I slightly make my own rules - things have to be out of the house, not just 'waiting for the next trip to the charity shop'. Giving things to other people counts. Pairs of things (shoes, gloves etc) count as two! As do double CDs. OK - I'll start on 01 August ...

    Have a good day, everyone. It's getting hotter here, but nothing like we are promised for Monday and Tuesday next week. Help!
  • RUSTY We used to be based at RAF Leuchars which is just a few miles from St Andrews. My OH was a member of the RAF Leuchars golf society and played often at all the St Andrews courses. The Old Course was not open for golf on a Sunday so we enjoyed walking our Goldie there. Funnily enough we went to a few of the "Opens" but not at the Old Course. We had great days out at Troon, Turnberry, Muirfield and Birkdale.
  • Hi from sunny borderland. Good to hear from everyone.

    We did get to Tebay on Wednesday – My goodness, I don’t think I will believe good things I see on TV ever again! It wasn’t much changed and quite a disappointment – aging badly, although not exactly dirty. We did buy a few local products in the shop and made the exciting discovery that they now have a “Changing Places” toilet on the southbound side - not on the other side, but Southwaite (next one up northbound) does have one. The journeys made it all worthwhile – lovely scenery as usual, and wonderful to see how many young trees have been planted over Shap Summit!

    We also went out yesterday – J had an Eye Clinic appointment and would have needed to set off at 1pm to get there for 4:30, so we took him in my car and then we all had early dinner out on the way home.

    HEATHER – good that your brother is back home – hope he will progress well now.

    LINDA – I like the new clematis on the Apple Tree! Our Day Lillies that colour are out and over, but the darker red ones are now blooming nicely – very reliable. Sorry about Bonnie’s ear infection – common in that breed.

    LYNETTE – sorry about the delay on your procedure; have you heard anything about the sleep apnoea diagnosis yet?

    HOARDERS AMONG US – when I read your posts, I must admit to feeling some pride in my culling genes! Also, we don’t have space to hoard now the three of us live together, so it is good that I have those genes and good powers of persuasion!

    PAT – when golf appeared on the news this morning, I began to wonder whether there was anyone playing other than Tiger Woods! Not the same as it was when the commentator was Peter Alliss! We are not golfers but did once visit the “hallowed turf” that is the Auld Course. We also had a wonderful stay in the Golf Hotel at Carnoustie when we went to a conference there – I got an upgrade to one of the professional suites because of my need for a shower!

    Not planning to go to church tomorrow - it's another digital service - one of our home-grown preachers is ill. No plans for any trips out this week, but holding Gretna in my mind just in case - either the Gateway (now called Caledonia Park) or the re-vamped Blacksmith Shop complex.
  • OG - sorry you weren’t impressed with Tebay. At least they had a Changing Places facility. I have never been overly impressed with the southbound services and agree that they look tired. The northbound ones are in a different league and the shop is superb. It is interesting that the TV programme was all filmed on the northbound side. Glad you got a second outing the next day and that you might have one lined up for next week too.
    Pat - it sounds that you had a good day out yesterday. You seemed to manage the heat well. I agree that they showed too much of Tiger on the TV. Well. He is out now. I must go to St Andrews one day even if I don’t play golf there. I will add it to my bucket list.
    It has been cloudy and quite cool here today and I have managed to get a few things done in the garden.
  • OG - I have used the Tebay services, northbound, for years, usually in the middle of the night, when I drive to Scotland. I have always found it clean and pleasant. Even in the early hours I have been able to find a parking place where I feel safe to have a sleep. Last year for the first time I went into the southbound services - how very different. Packed, rubbish bins overflowing, loos not very clean. I won't go there again. How can the two sides be so different?!?!?
  • PAT - 1 August, OK but which year? <giggle>
  • AQ - haha ... I had thought this year but now I'm not so sure.
  • Good Morning. Lots in the News about the upcoming high temps. I might have to sleep downstairs as our loft bedroom gets unbearable in the heat.

    Dull & cloudy here at the moment.

    My OH enjoyed watching the golf highlights last night, after we had seen the First Night of the Proms with a satisfying huge chorus - I love big choirs.

    We are hoping to visit Tebay (northbound) at some time this summer, if we ever get to go on our trip to Scotland. My OH has been feeling much better, but the doctor wants to continue to run tests, and he has several upcoming including a CT scan in a couple of weeks.