Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • My china got sorted years ago, although I do have some pieces which were my mother's!

    I like to have clothes for special occasions & holidays, but they need culling now & then as fashions change and so does my figure! I seem to have a shoe "thing" -- I bought 4 new pairs for the cruise but only took 2 of them with me. I suppose I used the holiday as an excuse to buy new. At least they will all get worn, one way or the other. The lace ups were very very comfortable (Hotter shoes) and I've worn them a lot since we got back. :-)
  • Hotter are so comfortable, LINDY, I agree.
    I sometimes regret donating special clothes but realistically, why would I have kept the outfits that I bought for all the children's weddings ? I can enjoy them by looking at the wedding photos ! As you say fashions change and so do we :-)
  • I also find that however much time I take to choose carefully, any wedding outfit becomes something I actively hate later on!!

    Its been sunny here without being unbearably hot. The wind is also giving us a nice breeze now. Sue has just popped in and told us that her dog is being a pain at present, waking her in the night. Ugh.

  • I have reluctantly decided that I won’t get into some of my clothes again so they have gone to the charity shop. I have Hotter shoes as I need wide fittings. I find them very comfortable.
    Also, when I had a new kitchen about 12 years ago, I decided not to put dishes I never used back into the cupboards and they went to the charity shop too. Since then I have accumulated more however!!!!
    It’s not been too hot today but I have been indoors at a meeting and then watching the golf from St Andrews.
  • I expect that PAT will have been watching the golf as well, RUSTY !
  • Today's quotes:

    You know you're getting older when you look forward to a dull evening.

    Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young.    Fred Astaire.

  • Heather - great to hear your brother is home and getting some TLC from his wife. I can vouch that hospital food is not at all appetizing.

    Annette - glad to hear you made it home safely.

    Lindy - talking of china, plates, etc I really ought to do my cupboards out as I have accumulated quite a lot of crockery.I have now gone into using bamboo plates as they are lighter to carry and some bamboo bowls.

    AQ - rest that back after all the weeding and get OH to do more!! or perhaps maybe he does.

    Been a bit cooler down hear and more tolerable - managed one or two small jobs.
  • HEATHER – Good guess. Three of my 8 g-g-par came from the land of colcannon, not that we ever had it at home.

    I think we either have hoarding genes or culling genes. I have the former, Dau#2 the second and she often suggests “sorting” my cupboards. So far I have resisted because she will toss everything.

  • Good Morning. Dull skies here and a little respite today and tomorrow, before 3 very very hot days forecast, which apparently may break records!

    I regularly clean out cupboards but I do have an awful lot of stuff. My late friend G was the opposite, and flung things out often- she offered to come and "tidy" for me but no way: she would have stripped the place out!! We're all different about it, I guess.

    Must go and do things, before it gets too hot here to move next week. Ironing is top of the list!

    Keep cool all in UK, and keep warm, AQ!
  • The sun has just come out here in North Wales. I see it is raining in St Andrews at the golf!!!
    I plan to do some jobs in the garden this morning including watering before going out to lunch with some friends.
    I wonder if OG and men have been on their trip to Tebay? I can’t remember which day it was. I could spend a fortune there. I watched the TV programme about it recently. Fascinating.
    I hope everyone survives in the heat next week. Not looking forward to it.