Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • HARELADY – Some advantages to working, using their air con! I hope your health improves with latest advice.

    LINDA – In summer I put a not-quite-full bottle of water in freezer overnight to take on outings. Ice slowly melts and water is lovely & cool later in day. Perhaps for your OH too.

    Chilly day but I’m not complaining; I can add extra layers. My new crown was fitted this morn. Dentist was pleased with the fit & colour, matching “old” teeth. He had it made by Aussie company who produce them in H-g K-g as they do a better job with 3D printing than local. Cor blimey, I already buy g-chn’s clothes from countries to north; can’t we be self sufficient?!

  • Just a thought

    Sorry we’re late but my husband’s keys were exactly where I said they were.

  • Good morning. Yes it is cooler here in North Wales too by a couple of degree. It has clouded over and we have had a few spots of rain!!!!
    I am going with a group to see the little tern colony at Gronant Dunes near Prestatyn. The young should be out of the nest now and all over the beach. The area is roped off and wardened so all is good.
    I hope Annette gets home safely. It’s a long journey under the circumstances.
    I also hope those awaiting tests or medical procedures get sorted soon and receive some answers.
    Meanwhile, I am hoping that being by the coast might help my hay fever a bit.
  • HARELADY: I'll see if I can get a photo of the white-tailed deer buck. I only have a camera on my phone. He's very skittish, because all the people in this community are hunters with guns. (I don't allow hunting on my patch. At least once a year, I have to ask trespassing hunters to leave my property. They're really annoying during mushroom-hunting season in the spring. Why would people assume they're allowed to come onto my land and steal the wild food growing near my house?)

    OG: To answer your question: Yes, this buck is one of last year's twins.

  • Slightly less heat, white cloud cover and some breeze - yet still high humidity. Still intending a day out tomorrow - just a drive down over Shap (cooler) to Tebay services to investigate changes they have made and probably buy Cumbrian produce.

    Thinking of ANNETTE travelling home, and LYNETTE going into hospital. I had a phone consultation with consultant rheumatologist yesterday - face to face next time ("in six months but it will be late").

  • OG Enjoy your trip to Tebay. I hope it isn't too busy for you.
  • It's been very "close" here but not sunny. We've had 4 or 5 very short, sharp showers of big raindrops which stopped as quickly as they began. I only just put out todays laundry in hopes of it drying.

    My OH came home and said how warm they'd been on the golf course. I've been doing h.work and cogitating on things. Life is full of twists and turns and we often say it's probably best that we don't know what the future holds. We've had several events lately in the family which make it seem very true.
  • Today's quotes:

    Old people like to give good advice, since they can no longer set bad examples.

    I stopped a middle aged person in the street, and asked "Do you think mid-life crisis is a consequence of ignorance or apathy?" His answer was " I don't know & I don't care." Fred Shoenberg.
  • Sorry, too hot for me, 28 degrees upstairs and worse in the conservatory ! Just not used to it...
    I wish that DIANE had some air conditioning -

  • It has got progressively more and more muggy during the day, with very little sun but a temperature or between 29 and 30 degrees. I like the heat, but not the mugginess. It's going to get progressively hotter over the next few days. I will spend some time from Thursday watching the golfers at St Andrew's - I have played the course twice and wish them well - I know most of them have played it far more than I have! Even looking out to sea will be cooling.

    Sending healing thoughts to all those who are having to deal with any sort of health issues, especially those having any sort of medical procedure or waiting for test results. And to those struggling in the heat. Don't worry - we'll be moaning about cold and rain soon :)