Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 July 2022


The moon turns full on 13 July, Wednesday. Where I live, it's known as the Buck Moon. 

A yearling white-tailed buck has been hanging around my front yard lately.  I think he's going to be as big as his dad, who is a formidable old fella. 

Everyone have a safe, joyful week!

  • Nice to see you OG.. Well done to other half for sorting the garden out. Managed church this week but sorry to have missed it last week as we had the American visitors from Dallas University - they come to learn about William Carey. Also our Mission Partners were there and telling about their work in Mozambique.
  • Good Morning. A hot day here yesterday, over 26 degrees, with even higher predicted for today. I slept badly even with all the windows open wide. We have a fan but I can't stand the noise of it at night.

    Rusty - I hope you're not suffering too badly with your hay fever. I get it sometimes and it's no fun. I find the stuff you snort up your nose a big help.

    OG - Good to hear from you, and that things are getting done in the garden.

    Lynette - Hope the procedure goes well this week.

    Thinking of Annette and all her travelling and a lot of worry.
  • Lynette: I'm so very sorry you were hospitalized again. I hope they can diagnose and treat you. Sending you best wishes.

    Annette: It's my understanding that you're flying home on Tuesday. The January 6 House Committee has scheduled a public hearing for 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday. You could probably watch it in flight if you need something to distract you from the troubles you're leaving and the troubles you're flying back to. Of course, if it will just make you feel worse, don't watch or listen. I just thought I'd let you know. There's also a prime time, evening hearing on Thursday. Sometimes, something like that will help me divert my mind from my own personal crises. Have a safe flight. 

  • Phew. It’s hot!!! I have just been out to pick some strawberries and that was enough of being outside for me!! Fortunately I can get a through draught going in the house. I hope everyone else is managing to stay cool.
    I am thinking of Annette. It will be very hard to leave your sister but I understand that you need to get home for your daughter.
    Lynnette - I hope the procedure goes ok when you have it.
    Nice to see you OG and glad you have been able to contribute to things in the garden.
    My sore throat from yesterday has gone fortunately. I have done another test this morning which was negative so I am assuming it was yet another symptom of hay fever!!! Another reason to stay indoors,
  • Diane: There's a chance I'll watch the January 6 third through current hearings on the plane...

    Thanks all for thoughts.
  • Haven't posted in a while. Sorry to hear some are having a rough time of it. Take care all.
  • Hope all is well with you, dibnlib. Take care.
  • Hello All

    Annette - I hope your journety back is good with no hold ups.

    Diane - is  it possible to get a photo of the white tailed buck? I have such an image in my mind of your house and setting.

    To all having health issues - I wish you well.

    As for me in Suffolk - I had to do another weeks worth of BP reading and I handed the form back today. Then had a telephone consultation with my doctor and he wants me take another tablet for the dizziness for a month and to keep doing the Epley Manouver twice a week.

    We have some very high temps coming - today was not too bad but tomorrow and the weekend look very high. Thankfully I am at work with air con tomorrow.

    When I leave the house I draw all the curtains and it makes a big difference.

    So stay cool where you can and AQ - stay warm.

  • Good Morning. Still hot here, but supposed to be a couple of degrees lower today. We've not had the record breaking temperatures experienced by the south of UK, but it's been unusually warm for here. I slept better last night.

    My OH has gone off to golf with two bottles of cold water which he kept in the fridge overnight. Presumably they get warmer as he goes through the morning, but he stubbornly refuses to use either of the 2 different vacuum flasks we have, nor a sleeve I use to keep things cool <sigh>

    I hope they can work out what's making you dizzy, Harelady. There can be so many causes.

    Hope that Annette is soon safely home again and things can be resolved for her daughter.