LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • The calling continues in the sky, sounds like more than one bird up there, it gets louder over the nest and then more distant.  Gelert crouches to a half mantle/pancake. Olwen has stayed pancaked the whole time with Gelert on top of her as well as his fish! 

    As the calling continues, Gelert pancakes again. Olwen is trying to look up to see what’s going on.

    About 15 minutes after the start of all of this, all sounds quiet and Gelert gets up to continue with his fish.

    LM6 then arrives back to her perch

    LJ2 arrives after LM6

    Gelert continues eating his fish, followed by Olwen who keeps asking for some.

    This time when she approaches, he lets her get the fish and walks away to clean his beak.

  • Around 16.44, LM6 flies onto the nest from her perch to take the fish. Gelert is quickly over to get fed.

  • Cam has been playing up a lot today. Was down for a bit tonight and is a bit intermittent now. Did manage to see LJ2 bring in a nice fish for supper at 21.17

    The chicks had been settled down together on the nest for some time.

    Aww how cute do we look, all grown up and able to fly! LM6 flew onto the nest. Fish on the way?!

    Yes, LJ2 follows LM6 onto the nest with a nice fish in his talons.

    LM6 takes the fish. As she held it, X6/Olwen gave a warning call and flew from the nest. LM6 and KA9/Gelert stood vigilant for a few minutes but no intruder was seen. Olwen came back and Gelert got fed by LM6. 

  • Glider said:

    I’ve tried to copy the link to the Brenig Facebook video of KA9/Gelert fledging this morning. Hope it works!

    Yes it does, Glider...well done! Thumbsup

    Thank you for the great coverage of this nest. So pleased both Olwen and Gelert have had successful fledges! Hugging

  • Sandra P said:

    Glider said:

    I’ve tried to copy the link to the Brenig Facebook video of KA9/Gelert fledging this morning. Hope it works!

    Yes it does, Glider...well done! 

    Thank you for the great coverage of this nest. So pleased both Olwen and Gelert have had successful fledges!


    Aw thanks Sandra, glad my first link worked! lol
    It has been wonderful to cover this nest and see these young, first time parents flourish and grow into the wonderful ospreys that they are. To overcome the tragedy of last year and return to raise 2 beautiful, healthy, wonderful ospreys is testament to these birds’ strength of character and desire to succeed.

  • Today has been a wonderful day for Brenig ospreys. I am like the proud mum to have seen both of our darling chicks grow from egg to fledge. May they continue to grow from strength to strength as they embrace the next phase of their journey to adulthood.

    Our lovely family from earlier tonight.

  • Friday, 29th July

    Good morning all. X6/Olwen is now 58 days old and her brother KA9/Gelert 56 days old. Yesterday saw Gelert fledge, 2 days after his sister.

    Last night, our 2 fledglings spent the night cuddled together on the nest as usual. LM6 was on her perch initially but then moved to perch elsewhere.

    The fish remains from late last night was beside Gelert.

    05.40 the chicks were up and Olwen went for a short flight around the block, returning to sit on the perch. A few moments later, Gelert decided to tackle the fish.

    After leaving the saggy skin and tail, LJ2 flew onto the nest at 06.24 to take away the remains.

    Just as he held the fish in his talons, LM6 was incoming with a stick

    LJ2 took off as LM6 was about to land

    LM6 started some nest tidying.

  • There have been flights on and off the nest all morning from everyone. Here is the family altogether just before 10.00. LJ2 had been stick tidying, LM6 preening on her perch and Gelert relaxing.  Olwen then arrived to complete the family picture.

    LM6 and Gelert preening with LJ2 and Olwen looking out to the water.

  • Morning Glider - fantastic coverage and well done with your FB link :-)

    So pleased to see Gelert has successfully fledged too - lovely they have both found their wings and we will just have to get used to seeing the odd empty nest here from now on :-)
  • Just noticed this on scroll back, earlier around 08.40ish, LJ2 made an unsuccessful fishing attempt in front of the nest. He had been sitting in the tree arrowed. (Gelert and LM6 on the nest.)

    Quick as a flash, dived down. Gelert was in prime position to take it all in.

    You could hear the big splash

    Then he flew up towards the nest

    and landed on the perch.

    Olwen had been watching too from nearby.

    LM6 left the nest and returned to join LJ2 on the perch. Gelert was still on the nest and Olwen in the tree to the right.  It all happened so quickly, I missed it on my earlier scroll back so glad to have found it this time! A good lesson for the kids. Blush

    I’ve not seen them perch share before!