LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 09.56 LM6 flies onto the nest with a small fish. She lands and waits, no one is around so she leaves with the fish.

    Moments later a fledgling lands on the nest, but who is it?

    LM6 returns with the fish greeted enthusiastically with cheeps.

    Yes, it’s our boy, KA9/Gelert, first seen since his fledge 2 hours ago! He must’ve been perching nearby out of camera shot.

  • 10.00 and big sister X6/Olwen joins the feed

    And to complete the family reunion, LJ2 arrives a minute later.

  • 10.10 and everyone has left the nest now, leaving KA9/Gelert alone again. He watched at X6/Olwen, the last to leave, flew off over the water.

    She turned and said goodbye before she went.

    Then swooped down like a pro and up again, steering round to the left.

  • 11.14 KA9 is still on the nest. He’s had a few big hovers and flights across the nest but each time, decided to land again. The weather has turned and he’s settled down to brave the rain.

    He’s so sweet as each time he starts flapping and attempts a flight, he cheeps away to himself as if to say “You can do it!”

    There is much communication between the ospreys that we don’t understand but I could hear constant cheeping from nearby (LM6 I think) earlier on as KA9/Gelert was considering fledging. 

  • Karen W said:
    Thanks for all the updates Glider - nice to see plenty fish being brought to the nest.

    Thanks Karen. Yes the fish seem to come in thick and fast later on in the day! 

  • 11.21 and KA9/Gelert decides he’s had enough of lying on the soggy nest. He goes to the edge and does a few whistles, flaps and disappears as the stream freezes!

    He’s flown off towards the trees this time for his 2nd flight. You can see the wing imprint left with the time lapse/pixelation.

  • www.facebook.com/.../

    I’ve tried to copy the link to the Brenig Facebook video of KA9/Gelert fledging this morning. Hope it works!
  • 12.50 and the nest is still empty but it looks like the trees have grown candy floss!

  • 14.35 KA9/Gelert has touched down on the nest many times within the last hour. Here he is incoming.

    LM6 popped by to say hello, unfortunately empty taloned!

    X6/Olwen joined Gelert too, initially on the nest but later decided to sit on mum’s perch.

  • Both chicks are on the nest and are seriously fish calling! You can imagine how loud they are by how much X6/Olwen’s beak is open! 

    15.14 LM6 soon arrives with a large, whole rainbow trout. 

    KA9/Gelert is nearest the head end as the fish flaps when released by LM6

    LM6 hears something and tells the excited kids to be quiet 

    A high pitched repeated monotone call is heard

    The chicks pancake, Gelert on top of the live trout, LM6 flies off.

    The stream quality is particularly bad today but you can see the imprint of LM6 leaving and the chicks pancaking underneath.

    Calling can be heard in the background but Gelert can’t wait to get up to start eating his fish.