LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 18.58 the chicks are alone on the nest. LM6 is calling to say she’s incoming with a fish. The chicks respond back.

    KA9 gets up first to greet his mum.

    LM6 walks the fish around to the other side of the nest from where she landed.

    Both chicks follow her round to be fed.

  • 19.51 the osplets see an incoming Osprey over the water. (KA9 to the left)

    It’s LM6 with another fish!

    She lands and X6 moves towards her.

    She shows an interest in the fish and starts to pull at it. LM6 allows her to take it.

    X6 has the fish for a few minutes then leaves it and stands back.

    LM6 comes over to take the fish and feed her youngsters.

  • 21.36 LJ2 arrives with a headless fish. This is the 6th fish of the day between the parent birds.

    LM6 quickly joins everyone on the nest and LJ2 takes the fish around to the side. The chicks follow and he starts feeding X6. (nearest the camera)

    LJ2 then stops and walks away from the fish.

    LM6 comes forward to take it. The chicks turn away.

    LM6 takes a few bites then KA9 joins her and she feeds him until he’s had enough.

    KA9 moves over to lie beside X6 and LM6 gets more of the fish herself before flying off and leaving the tail end on the nest. 

  • Thursday 21st July,

    Our ospreys’ day started at 05.23 with LM6 landing on the nest to collect the end of the fish left from last night.

    KA9 went for some breakfast but X6 wasn’t too bothered. She did a bit of preening, wingercising and relaxing whilst her brother got fed.  

  • The chicks under the watchful eye of LM6 who left the nest to fly to this nearby tree.

  • 09.58 and LM6 starts calling from the perch as she sees LJ2. The chicks then start calling as well and LJ2 arrives with a fish.

    LM6 flies down from the perch to meet him and the chicks have a stretch as they stand up.

    LM6 takes the fish from LM6 and starts feeding the chicks.

    X6 has other ideas though and takes the fish for herself.

    LM6 allows her to eat for a bit then follows her around the nest to take the fish back. KA9 comes in for a feed

    then X6 joins her brother too.

  • 17.53 still waiting on the next fish delivery. LM6 has been on and off the nest. The chicks have been wingercising and resting. Sounds like LM6 is on the cam pole fish calling.

  • I can see why LM6 was fish calling, LJ2 had caught a fish and was eating the head nearby, delivery at 18.32.

     Although X6 took the fish first, LM6 soon got it and fed the chicks. KA9 closest to the camera.

  • Just before 20.00, LM6 flies in with a fish.

    She is feeding the chicks when LJ2 is heard chipping in the background. Eyes to the skies! LM6 does her screeching/flapping in response. X6 alongside her looking above.

  • Friday 22nd July

    LM6 stayed with her chicks all night on her perch at the nest, flew off in the morning and at 06.26 came back with a small fish for breakfast. Couldn’t see what she caught as the camera jumped as she called that she was incoming then suddenly she appeared on the nest. KA9 was over first to take it.

    Here is KA9 trying to swallow the wee fish as X6 come to see if there’s any for her.