LOCH GARTEN - July 2022

(LG June 2022 thread)


Our Ospreys

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Mistle"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.

Axel & Mistle fled the nest May 2021 due to unknown intruders.

HATCH #1 - 11 June @ 05:30

HATCH #2 - 13 June @ 04:11 (first sighting)

AT RINGING - Quote RSPB Abernethy Facebook "The male BLUE 1C2 is thought to be the older one at 1.5kgs with the female BLUE 1C1 being the younger one at 1.5kgs."

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, GOSHAWK! Barn Owls: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


Important Notice

Our informally, fondly named Black heartMistleBlack heart has been renamed officially by public vote HeartASHAHeart 

  • 10 July

    A while ago, an Osprey on the perch created a light show - I think that some of the flashing, not necessarily included here but maybe, indicated a fish delivery ???

  • Wow, a truly wonderful light show Scylla. Much better than fireworks Thank you
  • Wow, a truly wonderful light show Scylla. Much better than fireworks Thank you
  • 10 July

    08:51 - this was accompanied by female fish-receiving squealy screeches:

  • I've checked what Jess said at the beginning of the season about the cams, and it turns out that I misremembered slightly - it was the "camo netting on the viewing windows" that was going to be removed when there were eggs on the nest, no action planned for the PTZ.

    In order to give any new birds the best chance of settling without disturbance, we again asked Roy Dennis’s advice and have taken the decision not to have infra-red on this camera (there is always a red light with infra-red and we don’t want to spook any prospective birds). We have also decided not to have the pan-tilt-zoom camera on the camera tower, just in case the movement concerns them. We’ve taken steps up at the centre too and put thin camo netting on the viewing windows (you can still see through them) and won’t be opening them until we have birds on eggs.

  • Greetings pop pickers! Thank you for all your updates while I've been away. I see we are going to be accepting of the new name for Mistle (last time I'll say it then....) and put our big boy and girl pants on (hhhhrrmmmph). I'm hoping to go up to LG soon by which time I hope the chicks will have been ringed and the camera lens cleaned so all will be even weller in the world. And I get to see Axel and Asha and their two offspring in the feathersJoy

  • OH pooh, I may well call Mistle Mistle totally forgetting her real name. So what .

    Er ...... what  is it ?

  • Thank you Scylla for your delving.  I wonder whether that will continue next year too.  I hope not.  If they are settled here now, and I imagine wouldn't be bothered.  

    LOL Korky.  I hope we may get some on the spot reports from you!!

    I know, Cirrus!  I have had to edit my reports on more than one occasion, and remember to type ASHA.  Not easy after two years.


    Sunday 10 July 2022

    Age:  #1 29 days    #2  27 days old   Ringing could be w/b 11 July.  Last day for ringing 26 July.


    04.26   Asha landed on the perch – preens

    04.48  Asha stops preening.  Sun rises behind her.

    04.56  Asha still on the perch

    04.56  Sun on the cam obliterates the view

    05.06  Sun on the murky cam is almost a firework display

    05.09    A brief glimpse of Asha still on the perch followed by the sun's short firework display on the murky lens

    05.11.04  And again.  Wind is still loud on the mic.

    06.31   Chicks chattering

    08.50  Asha starts fish calling.

    08.5128    #1 FISH  Axel lands with a fish..

    08.52.24   Axel flies off.  Feeding squeals from Asha!

    08.55  Busy feeding with less noise coming from Asha.

    09.59.33   Axel landed.  Asha getting excited.  Was it a fish, or Axel coming to check for left overs……

    10.00.30   Prolonged squealing from Asha.  I haven't seen Axel leave, but he could well have done.  It must be #2 FISH.

    10.13   All quiet.  It must have been a small fish!

    13.29  A very sharp intruder call from Asha. 

    13.30  And again, continuing.

    13.31  More calls.  I can't see anything in the blue murky skies, but clearly she can

               No sign of Axel.  Why doesn't he come flying in to join her?  Still lots to learn!

    13.32  Another call, repeated

    13.36  Another call.

    13.41  Danger must have passed, Asha is preening.

    13.44  #3 FISH  

    13.45 Having grabbed the fish, Asha is still calling!! 

    13.45.40  Axel leaves, and she turns so the fish, now talking to it, watching the skies

    13.46  Quite, but not yet feeding.  Did Axel bring a fish?  If he did he took it away with him.

                I have just had another look.  Yes he did bring in a fish and Asha took it from him.

    13.48  The chicks didn't line up to be fed, nor did Asha feed herself.  I need a more discerning eye on this please!

    13.52  Asha had moved away from the area she received the fish, but is now back and feeding the chicks!!  All very odd.

    13.58  Asha continues to eat – I'm not sure that the chicks are that interested.

    14.03  A chick is up on elbows accepting food.  I was going to say standing, but I don't think so just yet.

    14.16  Feed is over – I think

    14.19  Asha leaves for a comfort break and returns within the minute

    15.08  Lots of lovely chattery sounds from the chicks

    Off to watch the men's final now.


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I think her real name is Mistle and her "official" name is Asha.Blush
  • What a lovely way of looking at it san b!  A bit like The Queen's  Birthday!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/