Continued from Manton Bay June 2022 

Details about the Manton Bay nest can be found on the season’s opening post 

The season so far:    Maya returned 15 March @ 10:21 & Blue 33(11) on 21 March @ 17:29.  Egg #1 laid 31 March @ c 23:30 & hatched 09 May @ 23:02, Egg #2 laid 03 April @ 18:31 & hatched 10 May @ 12:30 and Egg #3 laid 06 April @ 20:30 & hatched 12 May @ 08:24.  On 20 June the chicks were ringed with their unique blue darvics.  Chick #1 was fitted with 1H1, #2 with 1H2 and #3 with 1H3.  All chicks were females and full details of their biometric data can be found here

© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

  • Lovely poem about "The Osprey"  by Tony Owen

    Link  >>>    The Osprey

  • All quiet so off back to camp as all been so chaotic....... We forgot our lunch! Definitely living up to Carry on Camping! :-)
    We'll be back later but may take 40 winks to catch up for lack of sleep last night :-)
  • Oh no not had chance to look in at LOTL for awhile so sorry if it's bad news will take a tentative look but yes Sandra does a fantastic job on that thread as do you on this! Sad to hear your trip is cancelled but totally agree and understand! We're the same hate it when nests don't go as expected us humans want all to be good!
    Yes the bullying last year here was heartbreaking to see but yes thank you we managed to get some reassurance of the feeding of 96 by 33.
    Gosh these nests keep us on our toes!
  • Thank you Karen it is a lovely poem.
  • Good Evening Karen and All
    Arrived to see huge fish come in and 1h1 took it to eat on dead tree so far still has it not dropped it! It struggled to get balance. Looked as if chicks got dive bombed. Both 1h2 and 1H3 chicks have been practice fishing with the excitement and pancaking the water taking time to get up...... Do not like to watch this but they seem to be getting out if taking a little time!
  • Just goes to prove your comments earlier Karen about 33 such a good provider and no aggression here but yes when they venture further a field whether things change should they have to come back. Definitely don't want repeat of last year's carryings on!
    1H1 has taken this huge prize supper to 33's perch. She is doing very well to fly with it!
    Next year Karen we will be looking out for our boy 96 and hope he is without his sister!
  • All in row left to right 1H1 Maya on post and 1H3 and 1H2 on nest 33 off sticking!

  • Oh goodness another fish! The boys relentless he must love his girls!
  • It's alive and kicking and gone overboard!!
  • Morning ALL and thanks LAM for all the updates / captures.

    Hopefully you are both feeling OK and ready for another day :-)

    Scrolling back as far as I could, 33 appears to have delivered another fish after the one going overboard! 

    last night:  

    20:13  1H2 was tucking in while 1H3 looked on / waited

    20:15 1H3 was sneeking up to steal and 1H2, grabbed the fish and flew off with it!!

    20:17  2 minutes later, 33 arrives with a whale for 1H3

    33 flies off and the youngster drags it over the nest

    all full as the fish remains overnight on the nest for breakfish

    © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust