Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 June 2022


Please check back to last week's thread to view another installment of Lindy's descriptions and mesmerizing photos of her recent cruise. I've enjoyed them so much.

This week, the moon turns full on Tuesday, 14 June. It's the second of four consecutive supermoons, when the full moon of the month occurs as the moon is at or near perigee (its closest point to the Earth in its monthly orbit). If your skies are cloudy, you can watch the full moon rise online. Info is HERE at Space.com, a safe site.

I expect to have a lazy week myself, because Indiana will be part of the massive, record-breaking heat wave that's predicted to hit much of the U.S. My temperatures will be around 100F or 38C for several days, with high humidity. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • So pleased you made it to Loch Garten, Rusty. How exciting!
  • Rusty: Yay for getting to Loch Garten. :-)
  • Our new Oriental Poppy has come out, and we only planted it yesterday from it's pot into the garden! 

    Good Morning. Looks very hot in Spain with 44 degrees!

  • Today's quotes:

    "A retired husband is a wife's full time job"

    "Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks?"
  • Today's quotes:

    "A retired husband is a wife's full time job"

    "Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks?"
  • Lindy: I so enjoyed all of your vacation photos and descriptions. Norway looks like a beautiful and serene place. I would love it there. Your cabin and balcony on the ship looked very comfortable. I especially loved your Shetland photos and descriptions. I still watch the Shetland webcams sometimes, and I remain fascinated with that location. I envy you getting to see it in person. I don't know why I've always been so charmed and enchanted by that place. It's quite different from Indiana (for example, the lack of trees), but I sure would like to see it. At times, I've even read about the local jobs available and dreamed of moving there. I'll bet you will enjoy the fudge you bought. It always looks so good when they advertise it. Your pottery chicken is gorgeous.

    I'll bet you enjoyed seeing your former town and home on the way home. 

    Your poppy photos are beautiful. I'm glad Bonnie is no longer limping badly.

    Lynette: I hope you have a wonderful time in Manchester! Hope your health is improving.

    Rusty: Welcome back. I'm so glad you enjoyed your birdwatching adventure, especially Loch Garten. I would surely love to see it someday.

    Heather: I hope you're feeling better and are healed up after your recent fall. 

    AQ: I enjoyed the photos of the glorious finches and the skink. I also loved your recent photo of those lorikeets! I think they are one of the most beautiful birds in the world. Wonderful that you've been able to book a new bus trip. Yay!

    OG: I hope J's vision is improving now. Hope your pain is under control and the cleaners are up to par. Best to you and Eagle-Eye. Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your third great, great grandchild.

    Harelady: I hope your dizziness is abating. I'm sorry that your son and his partner were made redundant during Covid and are still struggling with the brutal cost of living. Life is financially so rough and demanding for so many people these days. I don't know how people live. Times are hard here in the Midwest US, too. I wish your son and his family well. I hope you will be able to comfortably switch to part time, so you can do more of the walking you enjoy.

    Take care, everyone.

  • Hi, all.

    A very lazy week here. The National Weather Service has placed most of my state under a rare Excessive Heat Warning for dangerous heat and humidity until 9:00 tonight. The "feels like" temperature could reach 107F or 42C. Right now, at 4:30 a.m., the humidity is 75%. I don't have air conditioning anymore. My friend in Indianapolis messaged me last night and offered to come and get me and let me stay with them until the heatwave is over. I turned her down. As long as I just sit in front of the fan, the heat hasn't really bothered me. I'm out of food right now, though, so as soon as the sun comes up in a little while, I'll go to the convenience store on the highway and get a couple of burritos and some chips (crisps) for today. It's too hot to walk to the store in my small town.

    The Northern Cardinals have been hanging around my porch eating the wasps that are trying to build a nest outside the window. There's a Wolf Spider as big as my hand living inside the porch and eating the flies and gnats. I'm letting her stay (instead of relocating her) because she's eating the deer flies that carry disease very dangerous to humans. Also, Wolf Spiders are venemous, and I don't want her to bite me. LOL! She's very polite about staying away from me, and I think she's fascinating. So we are co-habitating nicely.

  • "How do I love thee - let me count the ways"

    The pic in the post above is from yesterday. This morning the bud had opened as well. :-)  hooray!

  • RUSTY – Glad you were able to visit Loch Garten. It is a special place. That’s what started me on this thread! 

    LINDA – Your poppies are the greatest.

    Shortage of electricity in Aussie eastern states is likely to spread. Threats that our city may “load shed” tomorrow in western suburbs. OH will be cross if no TV or heating! All to do with coal-fired generators off; solar & wind power not sufficient; shortages caused by war in Ukraine; and other reasons too convoluted for me.

    We are visiting Dau#1 on Saturday. We’ve not seen them since χmas, so fingers crossed she doesn’t become a covid close contact (again) this week.

  • Thanks, AQ. Hope the planned family meeting goes ahead alright on Saturday. Sorry you've got power shortages coming. In a way, it makes us feel closer, as we have all sorts of things being threatened on the horizon, here, including a major train strike soon, and possible power shortages next winter.

    Replies later as I'm busy here & it's warm, hooray! So I'm off to the garden.