Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 June 2022


Please check back to last week's thread to view another installment of Lindy's descriptions and mesmerizing photos of her recent cruise. I've enjoyed them so much.

This week, the moon turns full on Tuesday, 14 June. It's the second of four consecutive supermoons, when the full moon of the month occurs as the moon is at or near perigee (its closest point to the Earth in its monthly orbit). If your skies are cloudy, you can watch the full moon rise online. Info is HERE at Space.com, a safe site.

I expect to have a lazy week myself, because Indiana will be part of the massive, record-breaking heat wave that's predicted to hit much of the U.S. My temperatures will be around 100F or 38C for several days, with high humidity. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Sorry, been lurking, down in the dumps this week, don't know why. But I'm reading all your news. Thankyou.
    Middle daughter has Covid - she is asthmatic and that hasn't helped her. I saw her last weekend the day before she tested +ve.
  • Heather - I am so sorry you are down in the dumps. The news about your middle daughter can’t help either. I hope she is better soon and that you don’t get it. I imagine that is at the back of your mind. If you have the weather up there that we had last week, I am not surprised about your mood. It was cold, dull and windy. Mind you, I think it is going to be too hot down here for me today. Having said that I am going outside now to cut the grass (grown long during my holiday) before it gets too hot. Fortunately, I don’t have that much grass.
  • HEATHER Sorry to hear your daughter has covid and that you are feeling down. A bit of sunny weather may help, but not the temperatures they have down south.
  • Diane - thank you for kind words re my dizziness - yes it comes and goes - nothing really sets it off. I will keep doing the Epley exercise which is supposed to get the crystals in my middle ear moving, which is what the doctor thinks it is. I am also still waiting for the 24hr ECG monitor to become available.

    We in the UK are set to have out hottest day so far - its already 21 degrees, peaking at 5pm when its due to be 28 degrees.and staying very warm through the night. Your heat of course is much worse. 

    I am off work today and Monday so a 4 day break. On Monday it is 5 years since my Daughter's death from Sarcoma. I will have a Mass said in her memory on Sunday at Church. I will focus on happier times.

    Last Sunday my Son and his family and my Daughter and her family all met up - the first time in almost 2 years since we were all together. We chose a point between all of us and that was Cambridge - it  meant a journey time of just over 1.5 hours for all of us and had a lovely day at Linton Convervation Zoo. Quite small but a lovely large field where we had our picnics and the younger ones had a chance to run around and play. Whilst we were taking photos, a kind lady asked if we wanted one all together and she took some lovely ones, so I now have one of all of us set as my desktop screen.

    Well I need to get moving as I have a timed visit to the recycling centre with my grass and glass and then the charity shops as I have been having a cull of dvds, cds and a few books.

    Have a good weekend all and thanks for all the posts.

  • Heather - our post crossed. Sorry you are feeling down - it must be a worry with your Daughter's covid. I was reading that numbers appear to be creeping up again.

    Lets hope its just a blip.

  • Harelady -- I put a "like" on you post as its such a nice thing to have a good photo of the family all together. I treasure mine when we can get them. How lovely of the person to stop and help you get a nice picture.I'm glad you had a lovely day.

    It's bright here and warmer already. My OH has washed the car and is preparing for a lazy day now.

  • This is for Heather, especially, as she is feeling down. This will pass, Heather {{HUGS}} Thinking of you.

  • Quiet on here....

    We did have a lazy day. We sat out in chairs, & read books this morning, in sunshine with a brisk breeze. After lunch it was still hot, but very overcast- I had a sleep & we had a short walk as it cooled down. Then it rained, a fine drenching mist. A bit like being in a cloud!

    Does everyone in UK find the new format of The BBC News rather strange?? I know it cost thousands to rejig the set, but simply having the presenter standing in front of big screens, and hopping around the set like a demented penguin, does not seem like any kind of "progress" to me!!

  • Bonnie chilling out in the shade.  Its been the hottest day this year in the UK,  but fell short here as so cloudy.