Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 June 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week. 

The Brood X cicadas were screaming today on my patch. About a week ago, I noticed some big holes at the bottom of my trees. Various critters dig holes in my yard, so I didn't think much about it. Since then, I've seen articles about some of last year's Brood X cicadas popping up this year. Apparently, some of the bugs, called "stragglers," decided to sleep in, and they're appearing this year instead of last year. In most cases, it's because our soil didn't warm up to the required 64 degrees Fahrenheit until too late to wake them up in 2021. So, some of the noisy screechers decided to hit their snooze alarm and climb out this year instead!

  • Diane: I would've had a hard time too in that auditorium. I'm not especially claustrophobic, but was in the Museum of Modern Art in NY with my sister years back and got extremely wobbly standing cheek by jowl with loads of people in a darkened gallery; you couldn't move without bumping into somebody. Had to make a hasty beeline for the cafe (very close thank heaven) and sink onto a bench while someone brought me glasses of water. Ugh.
  • Hether, Lynette and Diane - This getting older is no fun at all, but there is nothing we can do about it. I hope you all recover and Diane I agree about steep arenas - some theatres here are the same and once at The National Theatre on The South Bank in London a lady near me had a panic attack. It really did feel like you could just topple forward.

    Just getting ready to go to work as I have been off for 2 days due to the dizziness - will take it easy but should really tart to think about retirement or at least going part time soon.

    Have a good week all.

  • Good Morning. Where is AQ?

    Annette & Diane, agree that it can be difficult in some public places. We have a theatre here where we can no longer have seats high up at the rear of the auditorium, as its wobblingly high, and you do feel as if you could fall forwards at any moment! I was treated as frail when getting on and off the ship recently, and I certainly grabbed all the hands extended to me, as I feel less sure-footed now. My OH gave me a helpful elbow when strolling around both on land and sea, I took a fold up stick with me, but didn't use it.

    Harelady - sorry you've been unwell. It does sound as if you ought to make your work part time, if possible. Your quality of life matters more than other factors.
  • My peonies are just becoming their usual stunning selves. Every year they are a joy.

  • I am here, enjoying fjords, waterfalls, mountains. Chilly, down to 4.3 C this morn; at least rain has stopped.
  • Late yesterday rainbow lorikeets were back in our crab apple. One on high was whistling to another calling among the leaves. Whistle screech whistle screech whistle screech . . . Then another flew in. . . finally the three perched on high. All the time ignoring me & camera. Too bad I don’t have a better lens.

  • Bit of a drama here - the radiator that I knocked sideways when I fell sprang a leak and I woke up to a wet bathroom floor and water dripping through the hall ceiling downstairs. I phoned the plumbing firm and a guy was here very quickly. He has capped the pipes and the radiator will be replaced on Friday, as previously arranged. The hall carpet is wet and there is a big water stain on the ceiling. There's always something !
  • Oh, dear, Heather. What a calamity. You'd better stop trying to dismantle your house, single handedly! Seriously though, I'm so glad to hear that the plumber turned up so promptly. Hope the damage can be sorted out easily....

    AQ - Glad you're still with us :-)
    Love the lorikeets!
  • Bonnie in relaxed mood yesterday. My OH's sister had noticed that she was not jumping onto the sofa so easily as last time they had her, she was more agile. I expect her joints are seizing up, although at 7 she should be in her prime. We're going to give her some oil to help. (Internally, LOL!)

  • LINDA – thanks for all the lovely pictures of the scenery on the fjords! Cute pics of Rosie and Bonnie.

    HEATHER – sorry about the fall. Do get checked over. My only advice is to move slowly – and try talking to the “bendy bits” before they start to move! Sorry about the late-appearing plumbing problem – hope you haven’t had any late-appearing bruises.

    LYNETTE – sorry about the falling episodes and time in hospital. I wonder whether they really think you might have Sleep Apnoea or whether they just want to rule that out – the low oxygen sounds the more likely cause.

    AQ - those Lorikeets are beautiful.

    J went to Lockerbie on Monday – they didn’t need him in nursery after all, but Primary found him plenty to do – no more dates. Re his eyes, visit to optician at end of the month.

    New mattress pump was fitted yesterday but I had a bad night. We had enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the front garden – OH putting finishing touches to what weed lady had done.

    We had rain in the night – sometimes quite heavy – glad he didn’t spend time with the hosepipe in the evening! Quiet day today – another catch-up indoors. OH is currently sorting shirts for a charity bag; not many take books, so I also hope to send some which are accepted this time – ones I have had to pass the time while “resting”.