Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 June 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week. 

The Brood X cicadas were screaming today on my patch. About a week ago, I noticed some big holes at the bottom of my trees. Various critters dig holes in my yard, so I didn't think much about it. Since then, I've seen articles about some of last year's Brood X cicadas popping up this year. Apparently, some of the bugs, called "stragglers," decided to sleep in, and they're appearing this year instead of last year. In most cases, it's because our soil didn't warm up to the required 64 degrees Fahrenheit until too late to wake them up in 2021. So, some of the noisy screechers decided to hit their snooze alarm and climb out this year instead!

  • AQ: Great to read that you're planning a trip. Two-and-a-half years! Good Lord....
  • Annette - re going part time - its something I have been thinking of as I am now almost 67 and getting my State Pension, but I do enjoy my work and my company are really very good and caring. But I am sittng down all day apart from a stroll at lunchtime if the weather is permitting. When I stopped for 18 months in 2016 following my move from Surrey to Suffolk, I joined some walking groups and was out at least 3 times a week and felt much better and healthier so that is a major factor in my plans. But the extra money does help with the family, my Son and his family are still living in a basement flat in South East London - both of them having been made redundant during Covid lockdown. They both have jobs again now but the cost of living is really bad here at the moment. Our petrol pricing is awful - yesterday it was at £189.99 per litre and our Energy cost will rise agin in Octorber - the 3rd price rise this year!

    We shall see what happens with the dizziness and the 24hr ECG monitor - I called the doctors yesterday and no date yet to have it fitted.

    Looks like the weather is getting better today and through the weekend so enjoy everyone in UK and US and keep warm AQ.

  • Good Morning. Sunny out of my window today. Not as warm as you'd expect for June, though :-(

    AQ, that's great news that you're booked for a much longed for trip. Surprised that covid figures are still so high there -- here it's decreased. I hope you can look forward to it without worry.

    Harelady - If you enjoy your job it's important that you continue for as long as you feel able. I hope you can arrange a schedule, maybe part time, so that you can combine your work and leisure times happily. Sorry you've got health worries, it's not always clear cut when you get symptoms and can be frustrating.

    We were busy yesterday so no instalment of pics, but I hope to get back on track with it today.
  • Good Morning. Sunny out of my window today. Not as warm as you'd expect for June, though :-(

    AQ, that's great news that you're booked for a much longed for trip. Surprised that covid figures are still so high there -- here it's decreased. I hope you can look forward to it without worry.

    Harelady - If you enjoy your job it's important that you continue for as long as you feel able. I hope you can arrange a schedule, maybe part time, so that you can combine your work and leisure times happily. Sorry you've got health worries, it's not always clear cut when you get symptoms and can be frustrating.

    We were busy yesterday so no instalment of pics, but I hope to get back on track with it today.
  • HARELADY – Your petrol price equates to $A3.30. I shall stop complaining about our prices which have jumped in recent months to $A2.20 a litre. . . and that is after Fed Govt reduced fuel tax by 20c for next 6 months as relief measure. Tax goes to roads etc.

  • LINDA - You posted while I was checking conversion figures. It is 13 C here, having crept to a max of 14.6 C. Lovely & warm indoors! OH has just returned from a shortish walk around the block. Or do I mean a walk around a shortish block? Nearly time to introduce myself to my stove. <sigh>

  • Thanks everyone for good wishes and to LINDY for the poem !
    I'll come back later ..
  • Gosh, Heather, it’s one thing after another. At least your lovely plumber must have cheered you up. I hope the stained ceiling has dried out and can be painted over easily. I also hope you are feeling OK after the fall.
    Lindy - loved the poem.
    AQ - really pleased you have at last been able to book a tour.
    I am currently in Glasgow en route to my birding holiday. Stopped off at RSPB Leighton Moss yesterday and was very excited to have great views of a bittern. I had never visited that reserve before. It is impressive.
  • Haven't been on the site for a while. I see Lindy is back from her cruise. Hope everything went well and hope everyone is ok.
  • AQ - Kilts are still popular here, for small children. (Cute!) We did meet two Scottish couples on our holiday and asked one man what he would be wearing on 'formal night' when the others would be wearing a dark suit or dinner jacket ensemble. He said that although proud of their tradition, he found kilts uncomfortable and would be wearing tartan 'trews' as they call them, instead. We sought him out and indeed, he was very smart in full fig of red tartan trousers, white shirt & black jacket & etc. He was a large man and muscular, so appeared very much of another age!