All quiet on the Osprey front. Mistle started gently food soliciting, then quiet, then stood up to reveal.........

,, what appeared to be a half eaten rainbow trout! No doubt Scylla will be able to get a much sharper image than me. All this happened about 5:45.  It was as stiff as a board. When was that delivered?

Afrer faffing around getting images 1 of them has come back to the nest and is incubating - can't tell which. 

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • I meant Axel, of course!

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Goodness gracious me, what a ginormously active day you've exhaustively reported, SHEILA Astonished Hugging Blue heart 

    I'll attempt the fish and the fights only.

    06.11      #1 Fish

    13.22      #2 fish  a reasonable size. 

    15.50      #3 fish from Axel.  Mistle takes the first feed herself

    17.17      #4 Fish

    Sample attacks:

    More fish


    Axel came for his share but Mistle dragged it away and resumed feeding the chicks.  I didn't see Axel come back for any fish but skimmed rather fast to could have missed an in/out.

    EDIT - A visit to YT Chat in the morning taught me that Axel had indeed taken the fish:

    Axel popped back again, only for a few seconds, and that was the last we saw of thim:

    24 June

    Mistle returning from flyabout:

    The site slowed down @ 03:00 but not as much as usual - it was just under 2 minutes to refresh a page or edit this post, which I resumed after whatever time it says I posted.

  • Please don't be embarrassed, Sheila - you're just doing, all on your own, what used to be done (and I can't think of the right word so forgive this one) contemporaneously by "all of us", as we were then.

    SheilaFE said:
    LG brought me into osprey and this thread is sort of special. Since 2009 when we started out onthe Forum as it is now, notes were kept religiously. Then we had the Daily Updates, with no chatter, just facts detailing the comings and goings. Chatter was banned!! There was the Chat thread which took the delightful natter and exchanges. But since the rise, and rise of FB, everyone seems to have migrated over there and there are few of us left here.

    You may have missed me expressing fears along the same lines.  However, I do find Facebook to be an unsuitable format for documenting nest events.

    WATTLE - you are very welcome here and I hope you'll post as often as your health permits.  I should pop to YT Chat more often, I'm likely to catch you there... in fact, how about now?! Smile 

    KORKY and everyone else whose snaps I've duped - sowwy xxx

  • Chick did a very athletic poop while Mistle was gone:

    Axel visited for one minute:

    Mistle's nodding off occasionally.

  • Morning! Tiny fish @ 5:44!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • The site is back to normal.

    FISH !!! !!! !!!  But a bit fuzzy and it's upside-down!  I ought to investigate what Axel is holding, if anything, besides the fish - but too tired now.

    #2 got bites while #1 was focused on Dad:

    #1 soon muscled in:

    #1's markings looked intriguing but now that I've done a snap it's not up to much, we need more pixels:

    G'night all :)))

  • Hazel b said:

    Here is how an observation board might work.

    See  Obs Board Loch Garten 2022

    A very good idea Tiger, thank you. I've bookmarked it.

  • Yes but we would need about five volunteers to update it. 

  • 12.05 Mistle uttering warning calls. Kids look flat out.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs